An Open Letter to the Spouse of my Split-Soul

M Paul Pintarich
3 min readFeb 26, 2023


[my writings on Medium are entirely theoretical and based on personal experience]

As you know, my maternal grandfather was a mechanical engineer, like you. And my paternal grandfather was a machinist. I hypothesize that the split-soul phenomenon is rooted in quantum biology.

m = E / c^2.

V = IR.

The material body is the soma; governed by Newton’s Laws of Motion. The energetic body is the psyche; governed by Ohm’s Law.

The material body is the hardware. The energetic body is the software. The material body evolves genetically through reproduction. The energetic body evolves epigenetically through reincarnation.

Many of us reincarnate back into our family-of-origin; so that the hardware may remain compatible with the software. This follows our organic software upgrade in the magnetosphere; which happens between lifetimes. Our DNA code is our organic software code.

This explains why my split soul and I are descended from neighboring tribes. She is roughly 1/4 Albanian, 1/4 Turkish, 1/4 Rus, and 1/4 Balkan Celt. I am roughly 1/4 Croatian, 1/4 Prussian, 1/4,Swedish, and 1/4 Celtic Viking.

Split-souls are the Yin and the Yang of an original energetic soul. We have coevolved from a pair of identical twins; our material bodies reproducing and our energetic bodies reincarnating.

The Yin possesses a negative specific voltage polarity. The Yang possesses a positive specific voltage polarity. But either can be male or female. I am a Yin male. My split-soul is a Yang female.

The Yin generates torque in one direction. The Yang generates torque in the opposite direction. The Yin and the Yang are each manifested around a hyper dense gravitational singularity seated in the heart (as all living beings are).

This same-opposite torque upholds a gravitational wormhole between our core singularities. The five dimensional wormhole connection creates the sensation that our split souls are one soul occupying two bodies.

Through this wormhole, split souls transfer specific gravity. This is how we experience telepathy. Gravity is a function of resistance and resistance holds pathos.

These shared pathea cause our subconscious minds to generate dreams. Through the these dreams our separate minds work to resolve the problem of existing as split souls. The fundamental question being: how can another person know everything about me without knowing everything about me?

This is a paradox that forces us to reprogram our psyches; to update our software while it is running. Our psyches were programmed from birth by Nature and by nurture.

Ohm’s Law governs both the psyche and the Solar System. Voltage = Spirit. Power = Will. Intensity = Mind. Resistance = Soul. V = IR. P = VI. The clockwork nature of the Solar System programs our psyche at birth. The clockwork nurture of our family-of-origin programs our psyche at birth.

When split souls meet in the material matrix, we go into shock. Our shared DNA programming experiences a paradox — one person in two bodies. This paradox forces us to restructure our original code.

We experience fear; and a feeling of being unborn. If we lack the skills to reprogram ourselves, then our fear drives us into anger, hate, and suffering. This suffering leads to depression, which leads to forced reprogramming.

Our childhood trauma causes split souls to fight, flee, freeze, or fawn, after meeting ourselves. This is due to interruptions in our specific voltage, power, intensity, and resistance. Again: the paradox crashes the software. But we are organic, so our software and hardware are completely interlaced.

All of this has to be reprogrammed after split-souls meet in the matrix of the material world. This requires a quadruple discipline of morality, work, wisdom, and mediation. Morality restores our specific voltage. Work restores our specific power. Wisdom restores our specific intensity. Meditation restores our specific resistance.

I had a biological father. I have a biological mother. I have a biological child. And my split-soul is my biological other. Before we “met,” she was seeking me while I was seeking her. To quote my split-soul, “we stan self awareness.” This is due to the fact that we both feel deeply incomplete as human beings. We seek reunification in the voltage of the energetic world.



M Paul Pintarich

My writing on Medium is entirely theoretical and based on personal experience.