Tesla and Freud were the Same Age

M Paul Pintarich
3 min readMar 8, 2023


The Treaty of Paris (1856)

[my writings on Medium are entirely theoretical and based on personal experience]

Nikola Tesla was born on 10 July 1856 in Smiljan, Austrian Empire. Sigmund Freud was born on 06 May 1856 in Freiberg, Austrian Empire. Although they were both Austrian subjects (like my great-grandparents), Tesla was from Venus and Freud was from Mars.

They were products of the Nineteenth Century, but they defined the Twentieth Century. Freud practically invented the profession of psychiatry. Tesla practically invented the profession of electrical engineering. Now, in the year 2023: their work has been fully integrated into our natural and cultural environments.

The high-voltage, alternating current, electrical grid crosses every landscape; and is a partner to the low-voltage communications grid, and the internet. Tesla’s inventions have been fully integrated into our lifestyles. Digital photography has mostly replaced film. Digital music has mostly replaced vinyl. Our phones are now cellular. We are beginning to trade-in our gasoline cars for electric cars.

Psychiatry treats our energetic-material bodies with psychotropic drugs; and is a partner to psychology, and social media. Freud’s inventions have been fully integrated into our lifestyles. We now comprehend our personal Oedipus and Electra complexes. We now worry that we may be Narcissus or Persephone archetypes. Many accept that we are a bisexual species, our preferences shaped by our earliest childhood attachments.

Tesla and Freud brought Venus and Mars to Earth. Venus represents Love; analog intelligence moving through us in waves, just as waves of alternating current wash across the electrical grid and into our hearts. Mars represents Knowledge; digital intelligence moving through us in particles, just as particles of information march through the internet and into our minds.

Tesla and Freud were born into the pioneering innovation of the Nineteenth Century. The Twenty First Century is beginning to look like the Nineteenth Century. These are both odd centuries. Astrologers believe that the orbit of Pluto sets the cycles of history. Pluto takes 248 years to orbit the Sun. This means that the year 2048 shall echo the year 1800. In 2048 we shall see a romantic revival coupled with a new dedication to scientific exploration.

If we add 248 to 1856, then we get 2104. Perhaps Tesla and Freud will be reborn at the beginning of the Twenty-Second Century. This shall be a pioneering age as well; predicted by Gene Roddenberry with ‘Star Trek’. The ‘Star Trek’ future is populated by all things Tesla and Freud. Pretty much every technology utilized by Humans, Vulcans, Klingons, and Romulans was presented by Tesla. Pretty much every psychological issue between Humans, Vulcans, Klingons, and Romulans was presented by Freud.

In this year of 2023: we should return to the first principles of Tesla and Freud. These principles are rooted in the dharma of Ohm’s Law, and the karma of Newton’s Laws of Motion. These principles apply to us as “spirits in the material world’; with our energetic-material bodies manifesting per Einstein’s equation: m = E / c².



M Paul Pintarich

My writing on Medium is entirely theoretical and based on personal experience.