Foraging Goldenrod

Solidago spp.

Morgan Siem
1 min readAug 13, 2019

Goldenrod is easy to find and delicious. I like it as a cold infusion in water, which is easy, easy — just put some unopened flower buds and a few of the leaves from the top into cold water and let that sit overnight in the fridge.

Goldenrod helps with UTIs and symptoms of seasonal allergies like drippy eyes and nose.

Here are two articles I enjoyed: 3 Tips for Foraging Goldenrod and Health Benefits of Goldenrod.

Goldenrod is sometimes mistaken for ragweed as well as Senecio serra. This is not a complete ID checklist, but some helpful notes on goldenrod:

  • lance-shaped leaves that are rough like a cat’s tongue
  • Small yellow flowers
  • Leaves crushed smell like pine

Enjoy this highly nutritious plant. Happy foraging.

*As always, before you go tasting new wild foods, be sure to:

  • properly ID the plant
  • understand which parts of the plant are edible and in what season
  • ensure you are harvesting from places that aren’t contaminated with poisons like herbicide, pesticide or fungicide.



Morgan Siem

Wow’d by nature. Engaged in spirituality. Deconstructing busy. Juiced by wild foods, solitude, intimacy, stillness, dance, nudity, community.