The Best Career in 2039

In twenty years, this is the career you should be in.

Morgan Von Gunten
2 min readJun 24, 2019

Imagine, just for a moment, it’s 2039. Twenty years in the future.

You’re on your super-thin iPhone 27. You ask Siri to Google something.

A jobs board.

Quickly, you read through what’s listed.

AI Communicator (must be experienced in Human-Learning)

Creative VR-to-Life Designer

Supercharger Maintenance

Amazon Delivery Drone Operator

(Okay, I know, those are random and funny. But you get the idea.)

It’s true: a lot of the careers we’ll face down the road don’t even exist yet. This world’s got a lot of problems. A lot of different people are going to create careers to try to solve them. More problems will emerge. More careers. It’s a cycle. It’s what happened twenty years ago.

Just for some interesting history, here are some jobs people have today that didn’t exist twenty years ago:

  • App Developer
  • Community Manager
  • Social Media Manager
  • UX Designer
  • Data Scientist
  • Podcast Producer
  • Uber/Lyft driver (remember taxis? Those were once a thing)
  • Anything to do with AI
  • Jobs where you work on automated driving

Honestly, probably the best career to go into is the one you love, one you know might change, and one you’re willing to grow with.

Yes, some jobs are going to die out. But instead of letting technology eat a future in a specific field you love, find a way to move into that field by utilizing the changes around you as an ally, not an enemy.

It’s really good to develop some specific skills you’ll need no matter what career you go into (written and verbal communication, sales, customer service, honesty, the ability to learn fast).

But the future is unknown.

And I know I want to focus on going into the career I love, the one that makes me come alive. Tomorrow will worry about itself.

This was originally written as the answer to What are the best careers to go into the next two decades? on Quora. I thought it’d be neat to see its reception on Medium.



Morgan Von Gunten

I use words, video, and design to tell stories. Editor, content manager at