Reflections of The Seeker: 20240728

Moriba Jah
3 min readJul 28, 2024


In my morning meditation, a profound realization washed over me: we, humans, are a uniquely privileged species. Our privilege does not lie in our physical might or technological advancements, but in a deeper, more subtle power — the power of choice. Unlike any other species, we have the remarkable ability to make conscious decisions and understand the reasoning behind them.

Consider the instinctual behaviors of animals. A lion hunts because it is hungry, driven by primal urges. Birds migrate in response to seasonal changes, guided by an innate sense of direction. While these behaviors are fascinating and essential for survival, they are fundamentally different from our human experience. We, too, have instincts and conditioned responses, but we possess something extraordinary: the capacity to reflect, to question, and to choose differently.

Imagine standing at a crossroads, faced with a decision. A part of you might crave the familiar comfort of taking the easy path, a route you’ve walked countless times before. Yet, another part of you — the conscious, deliberate part — can recognize this craving and choose to explore the uncharted territory of the alternative path. This ability to deny immediate gratification, to weigh options and foresee potential outcomes, empowers us to actively shape our destinies.

This power of choice allows us to break free from the shackles of habit and routine. For instance, if someone insults us, our immediate, instinctual response might be anger or retaliation. However, with conscious effort, we can choose to respond with kindness or indifference, transforming a potential conflict into an opportunity for growth and understanding.

In our everyday lives, we constantly exercise this power, often without realizing it. When we decide to recycle rather than discard, we choose to protect our environment. When we opt to support local farmers instead of buying mass-produced goods, we contribute to the well-being of our community. These choices, seemingly small and inconsequential, accumulate to shape the world we live in.

I hold this gift of choice in deep gratitude. It is a sacred responsibility, a testament to our unique role in the tapestry of life. Our choices are not just personal — they ripple out, affecting our families, communities, and the planet. This interconnectedness underscores the importance of making decisions that foster joy, happiness, and harmony.

Yet, this power is fleeting. When we die, our energy will transform, dispersing into the vast cosmos. In this transformation, we may lose our individual sense of self, our distinct experiences, and the power to make conscious choices. This uncertainty about our posthumous existence adds urgency to our current actions.

So, here and now, we must seize the opportunity to wield our power wisely, reclaiming our sovereignty. Those most powerful are the ones that either convince you that the choice isn’t yours to make, or that you’re better off relinquishing your choice-making to them.

Reclaim your power and let us co-create lives that are attuned to our environment, resonating with the rhythms of nature. By choosing sustainable practices, embracing empathy, and fostering unity, we can leave a legacy of stewardship for future generations.

Picture a world where each person consciously chooses to reduce their carbon footprint, to plant trees, to conserve water, and to protect endangered species. A world where communities come together to support renewable energy projects, clean up polluted areas, and advocate for policies that safeguard our planet. This is not a utopian dream but a feasible reality if we harness our collective power of choice.

In every moment, we stand at the threshold of possibility. Our choices define our existence and carve the path for those who follow. Let us embrace this gift with gratitude and intention, co-creating a future marked by joy, happiness, and harmony. Together, let us rise as stewards of our precious planet, honoring the privilege of our human experience.



Moriba Jah

Space environmentalist, astrodynamicist, global speaker, MacArthur and TED Fellow, National Geographic Explorer