The Blue Rabbit: My Sign From The Universe

Morné Visagie
4 min readOct 27, 2023


Photo by Mahdi Dastmard on Unsplash

Some people spend their whole lives trying to unearth meaning from the world around us. Whether it is God, the universe or something in between, many are desperate for a sign from a higher power. Although most people rely on faith to motivate their beliefs, others are given a glimpse into something more. This is my story about my sign from the universe, an event that is so inexplicably synchronistic that I have yet to find a rational reason for its incredible occurrence.

In 2022, I went through a period of depression that was fueled largely by my fear of death. I was in the middle of an existential crisis in which I felt completely insignificant. At this point, I would have considered myself to be an Atheist. However, my battle with the unknown led me to a stage where I decided to give God a chance as I searched for any evidence of life beyond our mortal plane. I found a lot of information that was comforting but I was yet to discover convincing proof. And then I asked the universe for a sign.

One night, I was surfing the internet, reading stories from people in a similar position to me. One specific post resonated quite a bit. A young lady asked the universe to show her a blue flower. Soon after, a mug with a blue flower on it was seen during her visit to a coffee shop. Years ago, I would have considered a story like this to be ridiculous, but during this period of my life, I decided to try and recreate it for myself. The next day, I asked the universe for my own “blue flower”.

During the morning of this unforgettable day, I told my partner about the story I read the night before. I told her that I was going to ask the universe for a sign and that I would like her to do the same. I initially wanted to request a blue flower but after considering it for a moment, I decided that I would put my own spin on the situation. Throughout the day, we visualised the sign that we hoped to see, a blue rabbit.

The day came and went with no blue rabbit in sight. Even as we passed by a toy store at the mall, this elusive bunny never made an appearance. On our way back home, there certainly was an element of disappointment in the air. We reversed the car into our undercover parking and we began to make our way to the stairs leading towards our house. Little did I know that the day was far from over.

At this point of the story, it is important that I provide you with a little bit more context for what is to come. For one reason or another, we were storing some baby furniture and toys in our undercover parking. With our car parked, we walked to the back of our driveway and reached the stairs that led to our house. As I arrived at the beginning of the stairs, I saw that our dog was playing with something. I noticed that he must have stolen one of the baby toys from the undercover parking area. My heart stopped… the toy was blue.

As I walked closer to our dog, I tried my best to decipher what it was that it was chewing. I could tell that it was a blue toy but there were no discernible markings that stood out to me. Once I was near, our dog walked away and left the toy for all to see. It was a blue rabbit.

The Blue Rabbit

I was shaken. I asked the universe for a very specific sign and it handed it to me on a platter. Even today, I have no way to explain this event. The best my formerly Atheistic mind can come up with is perhaps I subconsciously chose a blue rabbit as my sign because I had seen the toy in the days prior. However, that doesn’t quite add up when you consider that the colour blue was an element in the equation chosen because of the online post about a blue flower. But even If I grant this explanation as valid, why did our dog choose to play with this toy at the exact time that we arrived home? I cannot answer this and I am still amazed every time I think about it.

I asked the universe for a sign and I got it. Because of this, I live a far more comfortable life. Do I still fear death? Of course, but my anxiety in this regard is no longer as crippling as it was before. I now walk this earth not necessarily convinced that God exists but rather in the camp that their existence is more likely than not.

I hope that my story provides at least one person with a little bit of hope. No matter how hard life gets, it always helps to consider the reality of something beyond our existence. Have you ever experienced a sign from the universe? Do you have a story to tell? I’d love to hear it in the comments.



Morné Visagie

Here to put words to the endless thoughts inside my head.