Progress Report June 2018

Morpheus Labs Team
Morpheus Labs
Published in
2 min readJun 7, 2018

Dear Supporters, going forward, as promised, we will start publishing monthly updates. There will be 2 updates, business and tech. Business will be published every 30th of the month (with the exception of this month) and tech will be published every 11th of the month.

The format will follow specific areas like business development, exchange, marketing, personnel and others.

Marketing Update:

  • We will be signing a contract with Korea PR company to raise awareness for MorpheusLabs BPaaS.
  • Blockchain 3.0 — Future Decentralized event supported by SGInnovate and IPI Singapore will take place in Singapore on the 29th of June. This event is one of the outcomes of collaborative effort from MorpheusLabs and Quarkchain.

Exchange Update:

For specific reasons we have explained, we will not be revealing names of exchanges until we have confirmed the listing.

  • We are in talks with a few Korean cryptocurrency exchanges
  • In talks with US exchange as well

Business Development Update:

  • We are in conversation with a new potential partner. Discussions were on implementation as well as the possibility of scaling our platform for their customers. We will now be working on a proposal for them.

Personnel Update:

Finally, but not the least! A big welcome to our latest addition to Morpheus Labs family! Grace Lim. She will officially join us on the 11th of this month as the Head of Marketing for Morpheus Labs.

  • She will be responsible for Asia Pacific region, with predominant focus on Singapore. She will strive to connect with communities and enterprises. Check out her LinkedIn profile here:

Her (not-so-short) background: Grace has over 10 years of experience of Marketing in Technology industries such as Mobile Tech, Telco Tech and the latest venture, FinTech. She has been responsible for overall strategy planning in Digital Marketing and GTM plans for transformative programs, products launching & commercialization and campaigns management. She possesses extensive experience in regional partnership and delivered collaboration across APAC marketing functions across paid media, online advertising, digital commerce, UX testing & optimization, marketing operations, events engagement & insights as well as PR & social media. Besides this, she has experience in a few project teams in Telco and Fintech companies, managing end-to-end process which focus on R&D of technology till implementation stage to roll out, before joining Morpheus Labs.

Stay tuned for the next update! Thank you!
Morpheus Labs Team



Morpheus Labs Team
Morpheus Labs

The Blockchain-Platform-as-a-Service (BPaaS) for prototyping, deploying and operating Dapps at minimal cost and time. |