Unleashing Your Inner Child: Benefits of Adult Coloring Books

Morrison Sebastian
4 min readDec 26, 2023


adult coloring books

Are you feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or just need a break from the complexities of adult life? Look no further than the simple yet effective joy of coloring. In recent years, adult coloring books have taken the world by storm, captivating individuals from all walks of life. These coloring books have become more than just a nostalgic pastime; they have become a tool for relaxation, self-expression, and unleashing your inner child. In this article, we will explore the benefits of adult coloring books and how they can bring a sense of calm and joy into our busy lives.

The Rise of Adult Coloring Books

To understand the significance of adult coloring books, we must acknowledge the growing trend of embracing activities that tap into our childhood nostalgia. In today’s fast-paced world, people are constantly seeking ways to escape, unwind, and reconnect with simpler times. This trend can be seen in the popularity of escape rooms, puzzles, and immersive experiences[¹]. People are craving the joy and satisfaction that comes from engaging in activities that transport them back to their carefree days.

Just like these immersive experiences, adult coloring books offer a gateway to a simpler time. They provide an opportunity for adults to tap into their creativity, embrace their inner child, and find solace in the meditative act of coloring.

The Timeless Appeal of Classic Toys

Before diving deeper into the benefits of adult coloring books, let’s take a moment to explore the timeless appeal of classic toys. Many adults find comfort and joy in revisiting the toys of their youth. Whether it’s building with LEGO, playing with dolls, or racing toy cars, these classic toys hold a special place in our hearts. They remind us of a time when our biggest worry was whether we could finish that puzzle or win that game of Monopoly.

Nostalgia plays a significant role in our attraction to classic toys. It allows us to reconnect with a sense of innocence and wonder, tapping into the carefree joy of childhood. As mentioned earlier, adults are seeking ways to escape the complexities of adult life, and classic toys offer a tangible way to do just that.

Adult Coloring Books: A Path to Relaxation

Now, let’s delve into the specific benefits that adult coloring books offer. One of the primary advantages is the therapeutic effect they have on our minds and bodies. When we engage in coloring, our brain enters a state of focused concentration and relaxation. This meditative state allows us to quiet our racing thoughts, reduce stress levels, and bring a sense of calm to our minds.

Coloring also activates both hemispheres of our brain, promoting creativity, problem-solving, and improved cognitive function. It allows us to express ourselves artistically, even if we don’t consider ourselves to be “artistic” in the traditional sense. Through choosing colors, blending shades, and experimenting with different techniques, we are able to tap into our innate creativity and feel a sense of accomplishment with each completed page.

Unleashing Your Inner Child

Adult coloring books provide a unique opportunity to unleash our inner child. As we color, we tap into the carefree spirit that defined our childhood. The act of coloring allows us to disconnect from the pressures of adult life, responsibilities, and expectations. It offers a break from the constant need to be productive and gives us permission to simply enjoy the present moment.

Not only does coloring allow us to escape the stresses of adulthood, but it also encourages a sense of play. Play is an essential component of well-being and overall happiness. When we engage in playful activities, such as coloring, we experience a surge of positive emotions, increased creativity, and a renewed sense of energy. By embracing our inner child, we become more adaptable, open-minded, and resilient in the face of life’s challenges.

Connecting with the Past: Collecting and Nostalgia

For many individuals, the appeal of adult coloring books goes beyond the act of coloring itself. It extends to the act of collecting and the nostalgia associated with it. In a world driven by technology and rapid consumption, collecting offers a sense of stability, purpose, and connection with the past. Collectors of vintage toys, in particular, understand the powerful emotions that come with finding and preserving pieces of history[³].

The act of collecting, whether it’s vintage toys or other nostalgic items, allows us to revisit cherished memories, connect with our past selves, and honor the things that brought us joy in our youth. It provides a tangible link to the past, offering comfort and reassurance in a rapidly changing world. The sense of nostalgia that arises from collecting helps ground us and reminds us of who we are and where we come from.


In a world that often pushes us to prioritize productivity and efficiency, it’s important to remember the value of embracing our inner child. Adult coloring books provide a much-needed escape, offering relaxation, self-expression, and a connection to simpler times. They allow us to tap into our creativity, unleash our inner child, and find solace in the simple act of coloring.

Just like escape rooms, puzzles, and classic toys, adult coloring books offer a way to reconnect with the joyful innocence of childhood. They remind us that it’s okay to take a break, to play, and to embrace our creativity. So, why not unleash your inner child and pick up an adult coloring book today? Your mind, body, and soul will thank you.


[¹]: Escape Rooms: A New Trend in Entertainment

[²]: Classic Toys That Never Go Out of Style

[³]: Exploring the World of Vintage Toy Collecting

[⁴]: The Art of Collecting Action Figures: A Hobby Guide

