7 Types of Orgasmic Sensations

Not only the source but also the feeling matters

Octavia Morrison
5 min readApr 19, 2020
Image licensed from Canva

If diamonds are a girl’s best friends, then I don’t know where to put orgasms. The bff label is too cliché, the life-long companion sounds stale, the soulmate is way too romantic for something that can be so animalistic and raw.

For sure, without being too anal about labels, me and my orgasms are really good friends. I know them well and I appreciate each of them — without exception. Of course, I have favourites, I’d be lying if I said otherwise.

When you talk about orgasm types, it’s quite usual to list the source of pleasure to fit them into categories. According to some sources there are 4 main types (clitoral, G-spot, cervical, female ejaculation), according to other sources you can list up to 12 different types. The 4 sounds a little too simplified (what about mental orgasms without physical stimulation?) and the 12 sounds a little overboard for it takes into account the mixed ones. Without being too pragmatic about it, with all the permutations you would get a lot bigger number, but let’s not go there.

Talking to guys about how their orgasms feel, I had to realise that our capacity to go through different experiences frequently, is something that I took for granted. I had thought that male orgasm differ just as much, and not just…



Octavia Morrison

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