Get Ready For Dating When The Pandemic Is Over

5 tips to make use of your single days for more effective dating later

Octavia Morrison
5 min readApr 10, 2020
Photo by Ladislav Bona on Unsplash

For some, it is sometimes difficult to be single, but it’s even more challenging to be single during tough times. When you are left to your own devices, without anyone to support you, to hold you, to accept you for who you are. These times we are living now are hard for every one of us — making it through alone is something we never asked for, but yet, here we are. We need to make do with what we have, trying to make the most of it.

When you are single — under normal circumstances — there is always an urge to change your relationship status. The best-case scenario is that you want to change it badly, the worst-case scenario is that those around you also push you to find someone, settle down and just be happy.

It is challenging to deal with all the expectations, especially if most of it comes from within. Dealing with singlehood in tough times takes a lot of mental work.

But if you look at the situation from a different aspect, you can find a few things that you might gain from this period of inactivity. You can get ready to date — for the pandemic won’t last forever, and we will be sooner or later returning to a normal life, where dating will be again an option and a…



Octavia Morrison

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