Swimming in Lake Baikal, Russia

Morro travel
3 min readMar 22, 2023


Lake Baikal, situated in south-eastern Siberia close to the border of Mongolia, is a very well known destination for travelers. To be able to come to this lake, travelers will have to simply take the trans-Siberian Railway, which will skirt the southern edge of the lake. or fly all the way from Moscow to Irkutsk. A large selection of resorts and towns will line the shore, providing travelers various opportunities for recreational activities and lodging, which will include swimming as well.

Lake Baikal in Russia is the best for swimming experience


The deepest lake on the planet, Baikal is around 2.300 feet deep, but will plunge to below 4.900 feet in certain spots. Lake Baikal is around 400 miles long, having almost 30 miles in width. An enormous freshwater repository will supply more than 4-fifths of the water used by entire Russian nation as well as a few other republics from the former Soviet Union.


Lake Baikal has milder seasons than the actual regions that surround it. The temperatures in the winter season on this lake will average from zero to ten degrees Fahrenheit. Air temperatures in the summer season will range from 55 to 65 degrees, although the water may reach 75 degrees in certain spots near its shores. The summer seasons have the tendency of being pretty pleasant, but swimmers will have to acknowledge that possible rainstorms may occur because the lake will receive an average yearly rainfall of ten to twenty inches, most of it during the summer season. Winds from the mountain ranges that surround it may cause some pretty high waves on the lake, mostly during fall seasons.


The best possible time for swimming in this lake is from the middle of June to the middle of August, with this last month usually registering the warmest possible air or water temperatures. The lake will be covered by ice until early May, and its water will start to cool down again in the month of September. During the fall season, hurricane-force may sweep over this lake quite suddenly on those sunny days. Swimmers will have to check weather reports before choosing to enter the water of Lake Baikal, and also they should try to stay within hailing distance of the lake`s shores.


While paper-pulp plants or cellulose on Lake Baikal`s shores have caused important pollution worries, this lake is still seen as being among the most pure on the planet. Swimmers who may be worried about pollution may inquire about water conditions in the area where they want to take their swim or the industrial plants` proximity.

Lake Baikal in Russia is the best for swimming experience

Other Recreation

Boating, mostly yachting, is pretty popular on this lake. A few companies will provide guided trips to Lake Baikal`s islands, uninhabited beaches as well as other points of interest. Taking pictures is quite a popular activities here as well, both the presence of unique animal species and plants along with the mountainous landscape offering a lot of opportunities for taking memorable photos.

Posted in Eastern European Countries | Tagged Lake Baikal Swimming, Swimming in Lake Baikal.

