Opinion: A Critical Thinking Exercise proves President Donald J. Trump colluded with 13 Russian Nationals

Mosaic Theory Wires
14 min readMar 15, 2018

President Donald J. Trump needs to get a clue. How many times a week does he really need to make a press release, or re-address the issue of collusion with Russia amongst his administration? Donald Trump knows very well his 2016 U.S. presidential campaign bid attempted to undermine our previous U.S. presidential election one way or the other, while running against Hillary Rodham Clinton as a political outsider.

President Donald Trump likes to hide behind the assumption, that there is now an “unfair” special FBI counsel actively investigating and exposing all dealings inside and out from his presidential campaign bid against Hillary Clinton in 2016. President Trump is best known to articulate the phrase “fake news” every time his name comes up in another gut wrenching discovery on behalf of Robert Swan Mueller III, who has lead this independent F.B.I. counsel probe into Donald Trump since May of 2017.

Now this special F.B.I. counsel investigating Donald Trump and his entire White House staff have corroborated several criminal accounts over the past 9 months. These multiple accusations bring to light the fundamental and distorted scenario that Donald Trump has intentionally allowed and diffused corrupt foreign political influence out of Russia…



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