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How to build a News App with React Native (Part 1)


Please note that this tutorial assumes you have some JavaScript or React Native experience, this tutorial does not explain each line of the code instead it presents you with the code and gives you an overview of what the code does and points out the important parts of the code. I have made the code as simple as possible, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to leave a comment.

In this tutorial, we will build a News app with React Native that uses the API to retrieve the top headlines.


Now, that we have gotten that out of the way, LET THE CODING BEGIN!

Step 0: Register for News API key

Follow the link to register for an API key.

Step 1: Getting Started

If this is your first time creating a React Native app, make sure you have Node, npm or yarn installed. For this project, I will be using yarn and create-react-native-app which has been dubbed as the easiest way to start building a new React Native app.

There are many advantages to using CRNA, one being that it allows you to start a project without installing or configuring any tools to build native code — no Xcode or Android Studio installation required and you can install the Expo app on your iOS or Android phone for testing.

Before we begin, we have to globally install the create-react-native-app command line utility and Expo CLI using npm or yarn.

Open up your terminal and run one of the commands below depending on whether you are using npm or yarn.

$ npm install -g create-react-native-app
$ npm install -g expo-cli
or$ yarn global add create-react-native-app
$ yarn global add expo-cli

Now that CRNA is installed, we can create a new project by running the command below:

$ create-react-native-app news-rn-app
$ cd news-rn-app/
$ npm install

Step 2: Install Dependencies

We will be using the following packages:

$ yarn add redux react-redux redux-thunk
$ yarn add react-native-router-flux
$ yarn add react-native-elements
$ yarn add react-native-size-matters
$ yarn add axios
$ yarn add moment
Or$ yarn add redux react-redux redux-thunk react-native-router-flux react-native-elements react-native-size-matters axios moment

Before we continue, run the command below to test the app, This will start a development server for you, and print a QR code in your terminal. If you are using the Expo app, you can scan the QR code.

$ expo start

Step 3: Create Folder Structure

For this project, I will be organizing the directory by feature/module. To find out more about organising by feature/module, read this article or this or this or this to get a better understanding and see the advantages of organizing your project this way.

In your project root create an app folder, in that folder, we will create 6 additional folders, assets, config, components, modules, redux and styles.

Make sure you are in the project root$ mkdir app && cd app
$ mkdir assets config components modules redux styles
$ cd config && touch constants.js routes.js request.js && cd ..
$ cd redux && touch rootReducer.js store.js && cd ..
$ cd styles && touch theme.js && cd ..
Or$ mkdir app && cd app && mkdir assets config components modules redux styles && cd config && touch constants.js routes.js request.js && cd .. && cd redux && touch rootReducer.js store.js && cd .. && cd styles && touch theme.js && cd ..

Step 4: Configuration

We will configure the app for Redux. We will set up the Root Reducer and Store.

The reducers are the in charge of updating the state of our app. In the redux folder, update the rootReducer.js file. In this file, we will import the reducers from our modules and use redux combineReducers function to merge them together into a single state object that we will later use to create our redux store.


In the redux folder, create the store.js file. In this file we will create our redux store by importing our root reducer and injecting our store enhancers, i.e. Redux Thunk.


In the app/config folder, update the routes.js file. In this file we will set up our Router and Scenes, check React Native Router repo for more information about the basic setup.

For now, we will add a default scene.

Entry Point
The App.js file is the entry point into our app. In this file, we import our routes and store. We then connect our provider to our store which will let our app scenes access our app’s state and then wrap our app’s Router with our Provider.

For now, we will not wrap the app’s Router with the Provider as we don’t have any reducers yet.

Last but not least, we will create the theme file, in this file we will declare our font sizes, colors, font family and more. In the styles folder, update the theme.js file and paste the code below.


Run the command below to test the app, This will start a development server for you. Download the Expo app to test.

$ expo start

In Part 2, we will create our Home module.

Thats all folks!

Related Tutorials

  1. How to build a News App with React Native (Part 2) (Home Module)

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  2. Tutorial 2: React Native Redux with CRUD operations
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Mesan Digital
Mesan Digital

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Moses Esan
Moses Esan

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