10 Fun Uses For A Dashcam That You Wouldn’t Expect

3 min readFeb 17, 2023

When it comes to it, there are many different viewpoints and approaches to consider, each with their own strengths and limitations dashcam video camera.

Driving is one of the most common activities people do every day. But what happens when something goes wrong and you have to video it? That’s where a dashcam comes in handy. You might not expect to use a dashcam for fun, but there are plenty of ways you can surprise and delight yourself with this handy device. Check out these ten fun uses for a dashcam below.

Stolen Vehicles

There are many fun uses for a dashcam that you wouldn’t expect. For example, if you’re ever in a car accident and the other driver doesn’t have insurance, you can use your dashcam to prove what happened. You can also use it as a security camera for your home or office.


Some people use a dashcam as security for their vehicle, while others use it as a fun tool to capture memorable moments. You might not expect to be able to do things like make ice cream with your dashcam, but there are plenty of creative uses for this technology that you’ll be surprised by. Here are five fun things you can do with a dashcam that you wouldn’t expect:

1. Make Ice Cream: Most dashcams come with an attachment that allows you to add ice cream ingredients and freeze the mixture in minutes. This is a great way to have your own homemade ice cream without having to shell out money at the store.

2. Create A Time-Lapse Video: If you’re interested in creating a time-lapse video, a great way to do this is by using your dashcam as your camera’s timer. This will help you create a video that shows the progression of something over time, such as planting flowers or flowers blooming.

3. Capture A Fun Moment With Family And Friends: One of the best things about using a dashcam is being able to capture special moments with family and friends. If something funny happens while they’re driving, for example, you can easily capture it on film and laugh together later on.

4. Make A Memorial Video For Someone You Love: If someone dies suddenly, chances are they won’t have any photos or videos of them alive anymore. By using your dashboard camera to


In today’s world, it is important to be aware of your surroundings at all times. A dashcam can help you capture footage of a car accident or other unexpected event that might occur. Here are 10 fun uses for a dashcam that you may not have considered before: 1) Use it to document your child’s first steps; 2) Record your dog’s best moments; 3) Capture your daily commute; 4) Monitor the health and well-being of your pets; 5) Keep track of traffic violations in an area you live or work in; 6) Create time-lapse videos of events such as construction sites or plant growth; 7) Record special occasions such as weddings or birthdays; 8) Record important meetings or conversations with friends, family members, and business associates; 9) Protect yourself in case of an accident by capturing footage before, during, and after the event occurs. 10) Make sure no bad decisions are left undocumented by making sure to keep a clear timeline of what happened while recording with a dashcam!

