TIME is like a broken mirror that shows you a 1000 different WORLDS.

Moses Gomes
5 min readSep 5, 2023


Time travel and ‘catching the train of time’ are represented by a person jumping onto an underground tube.

We often struggle with basic ideas like time in our never-ending quest to understand the world and our place in it. Most of us think of time as a straight line from the past to the present to the future. But the truth might be a lot more interesting than what we see every day. As we say “Truth is always stranger than FICTION”. Terry Pratchett said it in a very poetic way: “Time, like a shattered glass, reflects a thousand different worlds.” In this piece, we’ll go on a trip to learn more about the mysterious idea of non-linear time.

What does “non-linear time” mean? In essence, it’s the idea that time doesn’t go from one moment to the next in a straight line. Instead, it’s a complicated web of events from the past, present, and future that are all tied together. This idea questions the way we usually think of time as a steady march forward.

When studying time, it’s important to understand a few Theories of Non-Linear Time.

Famous physicist Albert Einstein is depicted in a black and white mugshot with his trademark untidy hair.

Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity is a key part of current physics. It shows that time isn’t set and can be different for different people. Einstein said that the faster you move through space, the slower time seems to move for you compared to someone who is standing still. This idea, which is called “time dilation,” has been tested and has important effects on how we think about time.

Einstein said it well: “The only reason for time is so that everything doesn’t happen at once.”

The Block Universe Theory is a logical idea that says all moments of time exist at the same time, like frames on a movie reel. When we think about how time moves, it’s like going from frame to frame in this movie. This theory, which is hard to understand, says that the past, present, and future are all just as real as each other. This goes against our idea that time goes in a straight line.

Einstein said, “Those of us who believe in physics know that the difference between the past, the present, and the future is just an illusion that refuses to go away.”

Schrödinger’s cat is a thought experiment in quantum mechanics illustrating a cat in a box with a radioactive source to represent a paradox in the theory.

Quantum mechanics (Quantum Superposition) reveals the strange world of tiny particles, where time acts differently. With quantum superposition, a particle can be in more than one state at the same time. Schrodinger’s cat, for example, can be both living and dead at the same time. This shows that quantum events don’t happen in a straight line.

Richard Feynman said, “Nature doesn’t know what you’re looking at, and if you’re watching, she acts differently.”

A wormhole is a hypothetical portal through space-time, and this image depicts such a portal as a tunnel adorned with celestial details.

Wormholes, which are made-up shortcuts through spacetime, are an option in theoretical physics. If these were real, they could let you go back in time, which would challenge the idea that time goes in a straight line. If someone went through a wormhole, they might be able to move between different times without following a straight line.

A famous scientist named Kip Thorne said, “Einstein’s general theory of relativity prohibits a cosmic speed limit: the speed of light.” And every experiment has shown that his idea is correct.”

Eternalism is a logical point of view that says all things that happen in time are just as real as each other. This means that the signing of the Declaration of Independence, your breakfast this morning, and the far future are all happening at the same time. It’s an idea that questions the way we think about how time moves and the idea that things only happen in the past, present, or future.

Carl Sagan said, “We are like butterflies that flutter for one day and think it will last forever.”

Understanding that time doesn’t move in a straight line could change the way we live and think about life. It might make people pay more attention to the present moment and realize that both the past and the future are real. Also, it could change the way we make decisions, think about the world, and act, forcing us to make choices that take both the future and the past into account.

A computer display with a cascade of green symbols and characters against a black background, reminiscent of the Matrix code.

The realm of Time has baffled scientists and others who work in the science fiction film industry. Famous films like “Interstellar,” “Inception,” and “The Matrix” all feature non-linear time in significant ways. These films have inspired us to question our perception of time, consciousness, and reality. For instance, “Interstellar” explores how time slows down due to relativity, and “Inception” explores how time can be altered in dreams. “The Matrix” depicts a computer-generated world that makes us wonder what is real and what is only in our heads. The science-based plots of these films have revolutionized our conception of time.

The idea of non-linear time forces us to reevaluate our current worldview. Each fragment of the cracked mirror of time reveals a different take on the world. Although these ideas are still in the theoretical and speculative stages, they present a challenge to our established beliefs and hold the promise of transforming our view of time from a static progression to a living, breathing web of events. By welcoming this ambiguity, we may uncover fresh perspectives on life’s boundless beauty over all of history.



Moses Gomes

Moses Gomes is an accomplished blogger, teacher and award-winning Marcom professional . As a renowned blogger, he tries to dig around for life stories.