Seasonal Token The Most Powerful Mining Project Using Proof Of Work.

Ria Hossain
3 min readApr 15, 2022

Mining and Staking is a most common thing in altcoin and bitcoin. Bitcoin using mining also a popular thing for all bitcoin holders.
And Bitcoin holders are using proof of work on their mining section. Also its a interesting thing for miner.
Now we can know more about what is proof of work!
Proof of work (PoW) describes a system that requires a not-insignificant but feasible amount of effort in order to deter frivolous or malicious uses of computing power, such as sending spam emails or launching denial of service attacks. The concept was subsequently adapted to securing digital money by Hal Finney in 2004 through the idea of "reusable proof of work" using the SHA-256 hashing algorithm. And bitcoin using this method for mining in their industry.

For the first time Seasonal Token also working like Bitcoin and they also mining token using proof of work like Bitcoin.

Seasonal token designed so that if anyone trade them in a cycle,he will end up with more than he started.


There is a problem in Bitcoin mining and price growth of Bitcoin. There is a seasonality problem in Bitcoin who doesn’t know.The price rises dramatically once every four years, and then declines.
And here every Bitcoin miner know that bitcoin price will not rise in price dramatically again until 2025.


For the first time seasonal token made a solution of bitcoin seasonality problem and they focus on making seasonality work for the benefit of investors.

Bitcoin's seasonality is good once every four years. This tokens have been designed to provide the same opportunity every nine months. We can design cryptocurrencies to achieve the results we want. One of the tokens will always be in season.

Why Choose Seasonal Token:

Prrsent days there is lots of project making in staking and mining platform but no one focus on Bitcoin platform But for the first time seasonal token only focused on them and they have lots of goal and they wants to grow like bitcoin it is more special to all others project.
First of in this project no need to trust in anyone because they use proof of work in mining. And feel safe without worrying about rug poll.
Seasonal token have been designed to make cyclical trading profitable. In this project you have lots of opportunity like you can increase your token easily. Here total number of token you own will increase with every trade because there are four tokens, Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. They've been designed to rise in price relative to each other in a predictable sequence.

Here is another special part for making seasonal token special! If the price of one of the seasonal tokens plunges, you can trade other seasonal tokens for it and increase the number of tokens you own. By trading tokens for more tokens, you can convert price fluctuations into gains.

Private Sale Info:

Seasonal token looks to me very great and you can check their website also for every details will be available there and lots of strong audited info also available on their website.
You can buy their seasonal four token by chooseing category through this link
Simply connect your metamask wallet and choose token and buy it easily!!







#proof of Ownership

bitcointalk Username: Mosharafhh

bitcointalk Profile:;u=2666844


BSC Wallet Address: 1EcHeHgzxnY1QA3vVxMmKfSuPQaiMueKTs

Telegram username: @MosharafHossain

