How to set up CI/CD Pipeline for a node.js app with Jenkins

Mo Ezderman
11 min readFeb 28, 2018

What is CI/CD?

Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment are two modern software development practices. Continuous Integration (CI) is the process of automating the build and testing of code every time a team member commits changes to version control. Continuous Deployment (CD) can be thought of as an extension of continuous integration, and is the process of automatically deploying an application after CI is successful. The goal is to minimize lead time; the time elapsed between development writing one new line of code and this new code being used by live users in production.

Why CI/CD?

There many benefits for CI/CD practices. I am not going to talk about each benefit in detail but I would like to highlight few of them here:

Continuous Integration Benefits:

  • Fewer bugs
  • Less context switching as developers are alerted as soon as they break the build
  • Testing costs are reduced
  • Your QA team spend less time testing

Continuous Deployment Benefits:

  • Releases are less risky
  • Easy release
  • Customers see a continuous stream of improvements
  • Expedite development as there’s no need to pause development for releases

What are we going…

