[Desktop] Preparing for Wrapped MOC (WMOC) Swap [3]

Before the Swap [Adding MOC / Adding WMOC]

Mossland Blog
4 min readAug 23, 2023


<Go to the Korean ver.>

Finally, it’s time to load up for the last preparatory step!! 👏👏👏👏👏

In preparation for the MOC swap, you’ll need both MOC and WMOC in your MetaMask wallet, right? I’ll guide you on how to add MOC and WMOC tokens to your wallet!! It’s not difficult at all, so let’s quickly follow these final preparation steps~👍

<Table of Contents>

  1. Adding MOC
  2. Adding WMOC

1. Adding MOC

1) Click on “Import tokens.”

2) Enter the token contract address: 0x878120A5C9828759A250156c66D629219F07C5c6
and wait.

3) The token symbol “MOC” will be automatically filled in.

4) Click on the “Add custom token” button.

5) Click on the “Import token” button.

6) You will see the screen confirming that MOC has been added.

2. Adding WMOC

In preparation for the MOC swap, I’ll guide you on how to add the WMOC token to MetaMask. Adding WMOC follows a similar process to MOC.

🌟During the MOC swap process, deposits will be made using WMOC in your MetaMask wallet. Since gas fees are required for this process, make sure your wallet has enough Ethereum to cover the fees.

💰What are gas fees?

Ethereum gas fees represent the fees required for executing smart contracts and processing transactions on the Ethereum blockchain network. Ethereum introduced the concept of gas to facilitate the execution of smart contracts and transaction processing for decentralized applications. Therefore, ensure you have sufficient gas fees to ensure a smooth swapping process.

1) Change the network to the Ethereum network at the top left corner, and then click on “Import Tokens.”

2) In the custom token section, enter the token contract address: 0xBeE20B9Df360B8442534Ed8059f3e5bAEeB74EaF
and wait.

❗❗❗ If you encounter a message stating that the token symbol is not recognized after entering the token contract address, follow these steps: Enter “WMOC” in the token symbol field and “18” in the decimal field to add it.

3) Once “WMOC” is automatically entered in the token symbol field, click the “Add custom token” button.

4) Review the token information and click “Add Token.”

5) You will be able to see that WMOC has been added as a token.

Did you successfully follow the steps to add MOC and WMOC tokens?

You’ve done great! 👏👏👏

Now, it’s time to learn how to use the swap service effectively.

I’ll see you in the next part of the swap service guide! 🖐



Mossland Blog

Mossland is a blockchain-based metaverse project, offering diverse services like Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and NFT tokens on an open-source platform.