Why Adobe has introduced Front-End Pipelines in AEM Cloud Manager?

1 min readDec 19, 2022


Adobe had introduced Cloud Manager with Adobe Managed Service (AMS) for AEM. However use of Cloud Manager in AMS wasn’t mandatory, and many customers actually skipped using Cloud Manager (mostly using their own CI/CD).

One of the main resistances from customers opting against the use of Cloud Manager was the inflexibility around having custom CI/CD pipelines. Every time the build process would be “full”, taking a long time, thus slowing down the overall development timelines.

With the introduction of AEM as a Cloud Service, the use of Cloud Manager has become mandatory (yes! you can’t opt to skip it anymore.) However, the above-mentioned “limitation” continued.

Therefore, Adobe had to do something so that it doesn’t become a hindrance to the adoption of AEM as a Cloud Service.

The response from Adobe is Front-End Pipelines in Cloud Manager. So for all your JavaScript and CSS, you can use this accelerated deployment pipeline.

The newly added Quick Site Creation feature needs to be understood in conjunction with Cloud Manager’s Front-End Pipelines.

So that’s what comes next!

