ORANGE — in uncertain times

Abigail Austin
2 min readJan 12, 2022


I started the New Year doing a manifestation challenge. People think it's the spiritual and woo-woo that has brought me to this new age practice. It’s not. It’s science. It’s energy. Positive thinking changes your brain. So why not go all-in for once?

One of the exercises was to find your sign and then let it come to you to signify that you are on the right track. To remind you that your brilliant energy is supported by something greater than our intelligence can understand.

I couldn’t think of a sign that felt even remotely right but later that particular day over lunch my husband said, "I don’t know your favourite colour."
"I like dusty pink to wear,” I said. “…but orange. I love orange. You know that poem by Lorca..." soul turn orange-coloured...turn the colour of love."
He didn’t know the poem...but his question of colour clarified how powerful orange is for me. It’s the colour of the light I’m trying to get in my house at the moment. It’s the fruit tree that lines the streets of one of my favourite Spanish cities. It is the first tree I ever bought — it’s the smell of our collective childhood.

As we drove home yesterday, over the incline the sky was an electric orange, all of it, and my heart skipped a beat. My sign, I thought. We’re blessed with staggering sunsets with a myriad of colours daily on my side of town, but this was overwhelming orange.

Only orange.

I was taken aback by this brilliant tangerine in the sky. I hadn’t been invested in the idea of a sign showing up…maybe I didn't truly believe anything might speak to me.

But then the sky screamed orange.

Today, after my morning walk and some everyday life admin, I made sure to give myself some yoga.

I laid out my mat and moved.

As I finished, the blood flushing through all of my rusty vessels, the winter sun shone through my ceiling window. The light passed through my pink flesh eyelids to make an avalanche of orange marmalade all over my mind.

A sign, I thought.

Another sign.

Am I’m delusional taking so much from the sun?

Why not? I say to myself.

Why not be in awe of orange…in these uncertain times.

Why not?

