Jordan Peterson, Sex & Personal Gender Identity, cont’d

Sean Howell
15 min readApr 21, 2022

Okay! I promise one of these entries will actually begin to address what I said this was about (Peterson’s most recent appearance on Rogan), but there are still more depths to be plumbed re: Peterson’s OG shtick — What’s the deal with all these genders?!

For the sake of consistency, a quick recap: Peterson’s public trajectory began with his fiery opposition to a Canadian bill that added gender identity & expression to the list of classes (along with religion, race, etc.) specifically protected by law against discrimination and hate crimes. Peterson claims this law “compels speech” by requiring the use of preferred pronouns, however, his real problem is not pronouns per se, but the idea that he could be required by force of law to use pronouns he deems superfluous or potentially counterproductive in a therapeutic setting. Peterson says this himself in a YouTube discussion. As I tried to lay out in the last post, Peterson has a legitimate but nuanced point about the moral obligation of therapists (in his specific case) to critically assess and perhaps even strongly challenge their patient’s notions, rather than just blithely co-signing whatever claims a patient makes about themselves. The problem is that this is not what people pick up on, rather, they see a graying Respectable Professor insinuating that Transgender Speech Nazi SJWs are teaming up with the Southern Poverty Law Center to go door-to-door, looking for speechcrimes to prosecute. “Hi there, are your mom and dad home? We’re going to need them to refer to…

