Homage from the People : Repairing our Hearts

Mothiur Rahman
2 min readMay 5, 2023


The Spirit of Old Crockern rising with the people on Dartmoor to preserve ancient relational rights with land

On 6 May, during King Charles III’s Coronation Ceremony, we the public will be asked by the Archbishop of Canterbury to “make their homage, in heart and voice, to their undoubted King, defender of all”.

We the public of this Homage are the peoples of England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the remaining 14 Commonwealth “Realms & Territories” stretching across the globe. The curators of the Coronation Ceremony hope that, through this new ritual being introduced for the first time in a history stretching over 1200 years, “a chorus of millions of voices” will ring out across the globe in different time zones voluntarily proclaiming:

“I swear that I will pay true allegiance to Your Majesty, and to your heirs and successors according to law. So help me God.”

What if instead, through the ritualised ceremonial space created by the Coronation, We the Public re-claimed something for ourselves? To discover anew what is most sacred in each of us through our own “Homage to our Hearts”?

This is an invitation to use the ritualised space created by the Coronation, to instead create and declare aloud your own Homage/Statement/Prayer with honesty and integrity to your own sovereignty, and to be witnessed in that making & declaring.

Being witnessed is powerful relational medicine. That is why you are invited to place the words of your Homage/Statement/Prayer in this “Digital Repository”, so that we as a nation of peoples of Britain with ancestries spanning the globe, can witness ourselves responding to each other at this time of ancient ceremonial renewal:

What needs saying into this ritualised space, when in witness to each other?

How do I want to say it, when in witness to each other?

Why do I want to say it, knowing I will be witnessed in it?

If you are stretched for time amidst the stresses of everyday surviving, then I hope giving a few moments to make this Homage/Statement/Prayer for yourself gives you some respite and a sense of the spaciousness that should be the birth-right of everyone.

If you have more time then this link expands on the above, to give more background to the inspiration to this invitation.

