Six Essential Things That Makes An Amazing App Video

Motion Cue
5 min readSep 29, 2017

Apps are everywhere.

They dominate our daily lives and there is an app for almost everything you do — from walking your dog to playing a high-end RPG game.

With more than 22 million apps currently available to users on leading app markets, developers are worried. Their concern is valid, how can they make sure their target user can find their app online among so many others.

With the competition for more downloads growing day by day, one of the most trusted technique to get more app downloads is to rely on app promo videos.

Why an app promotion video works for you?

An app promo video can do a lot of good.

First of all, whenever someone actually lands you on your app’s page on app store, they will like to see what’s it’s about. Basically an app promotion video will reveal three things to your target user:

  • What problems does it solve?
  • Benefits of using the app?
  • Actual video of the app in use.

Check this wonderful app video made by Waze.

In just one minute, they started off with the problems that they know their target audience is facing, they then show how their app is going to help you and continue with the benefits of app.

I believe one video won’t suffice so here’s another one that I love, this one is by Cardiograph.

Notice how they are not relying on a voice over like Waze but nevertheless showcase how their app works. Voiceover does wonders for your conversion rate but sometimes users simply skip the sound and focus on the visuals instead.

This is mostly on Facebook and Instagram where app promotion doesn’t automatically play videos with sounds, giving the users the choice to play it as they like.

But like I said previously, in less than 40 seconds, the app promo video of Cardiograph, the video explains how the app works, how it really looks like and I especially love the part where they show it being connected to a smart watch.

You too can create a powerful app promo video that can help increase conversion rate on app store and even in your online marketing campaigns.

To help you out, we are going to discuss some of the essential things that you can do to make an amazing app video.

Plan separately for different App stores:

The biggest battleground for app developers is the app stores. Whether it’s the newly updated iOS App Store or Google Play market, this is where the real stuff happens.

So if you are looking to create an exceptional app promotional video, you will have to plan separately for both stores.

Consider this, for Google Play, you will have to utilize YouTube as you cannot add a video natively on the platform. So when you are creating an app for Android, it’s important to plan a video that works well on YouTube. What do I mean about this?

Well, for YouTube we recommend often to our clients the following:

  • Your video title should be only few words and don’t forget to add the focal keyword.
  • Don’t ignore your tags on YouTube — the platforms cares deeply what people are watching on YouTube and tags help it to share more relevant videos with their viewers.
  • Video description should be complete and cover what the app is about, URL to its website and also to the app stores along with the keywords associated with the app.
  • Add closed captions to your videos. The features of the video can be read with the visuals that are coming up and helps the customers in understanding what the app is about without sound. It also helps in SEO as your video is bought up easily in results pages of YouTube.

So how are things different on iOS?

Apple’s App Store has been recently been reinvented.

You can now upload three videos on your app page! And that’s not all, not only can you share three videos but also will play automatically when your app page is loaded on the screen.

Apple has also introduced a new feature where you can create localized versions of your videos. This means you can create app promo videos in variety of languages.

Video length — App store vs Google Play:

Another consideration that you need to keep in mind when creating app promotion video is the length.

On Google Play, you can create anything between 30 seconds to 2 mins.

However, on App store, you are restricted to only 30 seconds.

So what does this mean?

Basically, when you are creating an app promo, you need something that gives away all the necessary information within 30 seconds mark.

Professional Voiceover:

Having someone professional narrate over your video can add a real punch to your marketing efforts.

Though I know I said that you need to plan out for soundless videos but what if the target user taps for sound.

With videos, the biggest advantage that you have is that viewers love them. Having someone to narrate all the features, benefits and the reason why the app should be downloaded convinces users to do so.

Keep it simple:

You have at most, 30 seconds to explain your app to a potential user. What do you do?

Do you go deep into how you made this app?

What inspired you to create something like this?

Or you talk brass tracks — how does the app help your user. If it’s a game, you talk about why it’s something you would like to spend your time on.

Brevity works best when you are making an app promo and focus on three questions:

  • What does it do?
  • Why does your target user need to download it?
  • What makes it special?

Make sure your promo video is delivering the message clearly and without going into an unnecessary deluge of information.

Show the good stuff:

The best app promos don’t waste time and go straight for the app and its use.

Don’t worry about sharing how the loading screen looks or other boring stuff. Show how the app works, if it’s a game, focus on the gameplay.

Showing the app in action gets you more downloads as users can see exactly what they are getting.

Here’s another one that I really liked by Lonely Planet for their app:

Work with a video production agency:

Whether it’s a startup promotional video or your app promo, the thing is that having someone who is an expert in making videos can do wonders for your app and its success.

A video production studio like us would know how to create an app promo video that would help in converting your target audience into active users.

When you opt for someone professional they can take care of everything. They are well equipped and having worked with a variety of developers, they know what makes an app promo stand out.

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Motion Cue

MotionCue is a digital media production studio. In the current digital era, we understand that you need to maintain an exclusive and stand out online presence.