Should researchers make grand claims?If you do not enjoy humor about physics, do not read further…Jan 9Jan 9
Why the unification of physics is not based on equations, but still on mathematicsI received a polite and clear mail from an esteemed physicist, stating that the strand tangle model is not based on mathematics and thus is…Jan 5Jan 5
Quantum gravity is testable, unlike the aether, but only if …Most theories of relativistic quantum gravity are untestable. How can this be? Journals are full of papers! The internet is full of videos…Sep 11, 2024Sep 11, 2024
Calculating the fine structure constant 𝛼 and the electron mass — Part 6Estimating or calculating the mass value of the electron, once its structure is given, implies solving at least two challenges. The first…Sep 3, 2024Sep 3, 2024
Why the Four Interactions Cannot Be Unified — but Physics CanMany physicists and journalists state that fundamental physics aims to unify the four interactions. However, all these statements are…Aug 29, 2024Aug 29, 2024
Calculating the fine structure constant 𝛼 and more — Part 5Calculating the electron mass also leads — when its running with energy is extracted — to the fine structure constant. This is a result of…Aug 11, 2024Aug 11, 2024
What Does Physics Require Beyond the Standard Model?Nature yields not a single observation beyond the standard model of particle physics with massive neutrinos. Nevertheless, nature requires…Aug 10, 2024Aug 10, 2024
Calculating the fine structure constant 𝛼 and more — Part 4Let us continue to determine the electron mass. The preceding parts of this thread showed that particle mass is due to tangle core…Aug 1, 2024Aug 1, 2024
Calculating the fine structure constant 𝛼 and more — Part 3Calculating the mass of elementary particles is possible in the strand tangle model. This is fascinating, because no other model in the…Jul 27, 2024Jul 27, 2024
Calculating the fine structure constant 𝛼 and more — Part 2In the strand model, a particle’s electric charge and its mass can be calculated. Their values are due to the amount of chirality of the…Jul 22, 2024Jul 22, 2024