The Universe Has No Wave Function

The wave function of the universe is an expression that helps to sell books. But it is wrong, blocks understanding, and prevents reaching unification.

Adam Evans — Wikimedia

Researchers sometimes say stupid things to get money and idiots’ attention. A particular stupid expression is the “wave function of the universe”. There is no such thing. Here are a few reasons why this expression is stupid.

The expression is wrong. Only systems that can be observed from the outside have wave functions. The universe cannot be observed from the outside: we are all inside the universe. Only physical systems can have wave functions. The universe is not a physical system.

The expression is really wrong. Only systems that can interfere have a wave function. If you believe that the universe can interfere — you should go to therapy.

The expression is dead wrong. If you believe that the combination of the many different particles in a galaxy can have a single wave function, you are wrong. True, molecules can interfere. But in these experiments, the nuclei inside them do not care. Yes, nuclei and electrons can couple. But people, planets, galaxies and also the universe are not described by single wave functions.

The expression is horribly wrong. Wave functions evolve in space and time. But space and time arise inside the universe. They do not exist independently of the universe. This has been known for at least 1500 years, since Augustinus.

The expression cannot be tested. It therefore qualifies as nonsense. Or, in simple words: it is bullshit. Are you doing research on the topic? Then you are in a sect. Get out.

The expression keeps people stupid. One cannot advance to unification if one does not distinguish nonsense from observations and facts.

If you want to read something interesting about wave functions, have a look at this article, which explains how to visualize wave functions. It is fun, correct, easy, and every statement is testable.


