The Truth About Mobile Phones and Wireless Radiation

Motisha Media
4 min readApr 19, 2023
Electro Magnetic Radiation Fields

The ubiquity of mobile phones and wireless transmission equipment has made them an essential aspect of our daily lives. They have become our go-to devices for communication, entertainment, and health monitoring, making them indispensable components of our existence.

In a lecture in The University of Melbourne’s faculties of science, medicine, and engineering, titled “The Truth About Mobile Phones and Wireless Radiation,” Dr. Devra Davis, a specialist in investigating electromagnetic radiation for cellular phones and wireless transmitting devices, clarified the facts regarding mobile phones and wireless radiation.

Dr. Davis stressed that wireless radiation and mobile phone dangers are not just confined to cancer risk. Instead, it may also have an impact on our body’s other biological systems, including our immunological and reproductive systems.

Photo by Paras Kapoor on Unsplash

One of the key issues with mobile phones and wireless radiation is the frequency and amplitude of the signals they emit. These variables influence the properties of the signal and how it can affect a biological system. For instance, the power density of a mobile phone call can significantly increase when the phone is close to the body, such as when it is held against the ear.

Dr. Davis also shared the history of the safety standards for mobile phones. “In the early days, the only concern was to avoid heating up the body, which led to the development of the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) standard." However, this standard does not take into account the non-thermal effects of electromagnetic radiation on the body.

Dr. Davis further emphasizes that the SAR norm is not typical of the bulk of the population because it is based on the assumption of a person with a large head weighing 220 pounds. This indicates that the public may not be sufficiently protected from the possible harms of mobile phones and wireless radiation under the present safety standards.

Another issue is how mobile phone and wireless radiation affects children, whose developing bodies and brains make them more susceptible to the negative effects of electromagnetic radiation. Dr. Davis cited research from the University of Athens that demonstrated how much more profoundly a six-year-old child’s brain and other organs may be penetrated by mobile phone signals than those of an adult.

While the potential risks of mobile phone and wireless radiation are concerning, Dr. Davis emphasized that there are ways to reduce our exposure to these signals.

One of the simplest ways is to keep the mobile phone away from the body, particularly when making calls or using the phone for extended periods.

Other ways to reduce exposure include using speakerphones or a wired headset, using text messaging instead of voice calls, and limiting the use of mobile phones and other wireless transmitting devices in areas with poor signal strength.

The doctor’s solutions, although helpful, are not quite practical most active situations. For instance it’s hard to be in headphones all the times and men don’t have any alternative carrying options apart from their pockets, and also answering your on loud speaker in public is not that practical.

All hope is not lost though. Recent scientific developments have come up with a simpler and yet effective method. Electro-magnetic-radiation-shields.

What are they? Let me explain;

It’s a sticker made of many layers, including a layer of 24 karat gold, 32 mineral layers, germanium, far infrared, and an absorbing layer that lies just above the adhesive patch.

Together, these layers create a negative ion field that neutralizes and deflects the positive ions in EMF fields.

And, it doesn’t interfere with your reception at all. So you can safely talk, text, stream, or carry your phone in your pocket without getting exposed to EMFs that harm your health!

EMF Shields

Click Here To Access your ElectroMagneticField Shields for all your devices

In conclusion, while the current safety standards may not adequately protect the general public, there are ways to reduce our exposure to these signals. It is up to us to take responsibility for our health and make informed decisions about our use of mobile phones and other wireless transmitting devices.



Motisha Media

A digital wellness consulting center dedicated to helping clients achieve wellness through holistic care with an emphasis on physical and mental health.