Angelina Jolie Quotes About Feminism

Motivational Lines
3 min readFeb 11, 2022


Angelina Jolie feminism Quotes

Feminism is often misunderstood and misrepresented. But actress Angelina Jolie, a UN ambassador, has a clear understanding of what it means to be a feminist. In an interview with The Daily Beast, Jolie stated, “I do believe in feminism. It’s about equal rights for men and women… I just think it’s unnecessary to label yourself something else.” Jolie’s words reflect the true definition of feminism: the belief that all people should have the same opportunities regardless of gender.

Anyone can be a feminist, regardless of their political views or religious beliefs. Feminists are not trying to overthrow society; they’re fighting for equality so that everyone has access to the same opportunities.

Check Out Angelina Jolie’s Quotes About Feminism!

“It is a myth that rape is an inevitable part of conflict… There is nothing inevitable about it. It is a weapon of war aimed at civilians. It has nothing to do with sex — everything to do with power. It is done to torture and humiliate innocent people and often very young children.”

“With my family, I’m trying to raise them to have respect for all people and make friends around the world and feel at home with the world and really live a truly global [life] because I think it’s what forms them and it’s really important to me,”

“The more successful a man becomes, the better he gets at destroying women. Women will only be as valued as men are willing to valuate them… Of all the forms of inequality, injustice in health care is the most shocking and inhumane.”

“I think there is a double standard with women. If a man is muscled, he is sexy; if a woman has the same muscles, she is a man. Many times you find that women are not as empowered as men because of how they feel about themselves and other people feel about them. I’m hoping we can change this… The more we empower young girls, and educate and teach boys to respect women, the better our world will be.”

“I don’t know why I’ve been so successful at being a wife and mother — except that perhaps it’s because I’m not completely fulfilled in my work or other parts of my life. I’ve always put family first… Since joining the United Nations, which has been an enormous education for me, I’ve seen how many problems there are and just how easy it is to become overwhelmed.”

“As a father of six children, I think you’re always aware that the world isn’t as safe a place as we’d like it to be… Your kids never forget certain experiences and sometimes they remind you of them and make you feel like they’re the most important things in your life.”

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Check Out Some More of Angelina Jolie’s Quotes About Feminism!

“I used to be scared of words like ‘feminism, ‘strong woman,’ and ‘independence.’ But I’m not anymore. Those are qualities I admire because I think everyone should be independent… I don’t see how a strong woman is going to hurt the strength of another man. In fact, I think [that] if a man can deal with a strong woman by his side, then he’ll be better… I’ve been really lucky that I’ve had great female role models in my life.”

“I think the most important thing is to support each other. We all have so much creativity and strength inside of us. I hope we can continue to inspire each other and raise each other up, as opposed to putting each other down… As women we must seek opportunities; we must ask for jobs; we must pursue our passions and sometimes we must say no. We can’t do it all, but we can absolutely do anything we want to do.”


Angie, You’re A Feminist!!

Angelina Jolie is genuinely a feminist, and her strong personality shows how she’s not ashamed to fight for women’s rights. The UN ambassador has also played many influential female roles in many Hollywood movies. She remains an inspiration to many in our society to this day!

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