Every fall needs a rise

Motivational Topics
2 min readJun 25, 2020


👉Every Fall Needs a Rise💫✨

Hey my lovely peopleđź’›

How are you all I hope you all are doing well,

In Life, we fall, we dust yourself off & rise again. Life is like a graph on every phase if there are lows there will also be highs too.

“Life is like a graph it goes up and down, sometimes flatten”

Why we do scared of falling, why we don’t allow ourselves to learn something, well the process can be harsh but the lesson will always be amazing.

“Life teaches you what you need to learn”

Every phase of life goes through these series of graph, it goes steeper & then flatter. It may be Career, Love life, bad days of life when everything seems like nothing is going good. Then always remember life has two phase 1. Good and 2. Bad and keeps on shuffling, for instance, if you are facing good times then stay low key means don’t be overexcited or careless, and don’t even forget bad phase will come too, similarly if you are fighting with bad times then don’t lose hope good time will definitely come soon.

What we need to understand there is the only thing in this world that is constant is the “CHANGE” like after every dusk, the dawn comes, no matter how hard the dusk has been. Change in situation, times, or phase of life therefore we have to learn to take both phases very consciously & learn what life is trying to teach you by your good or bad times.

And you know what!

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Motivational Topics

Hey I am Usha kawal, i am 23 years old and I m from India I Love expressing my views on Love, life, career, & health. website https://www.motivationaltopics.com