Solve BMW Transmission Fault ‘Drive Moderately’ With These Easy Tips

Motor Cars International
4 min readJan 18, 2024


“Transmission fault: Drive Moderately

Have the problem checked by the nearest BMW Service Center.”

By displaying the said message your BMW’s onboard diagnostic system is informing you about a fault detected in the transmission system. The sole purpose of writing this blog post is to provide you with all the information you need to get to the bottom of this matter. The article also discusses some of the major reasons why such a warning message may appear and what you can do to get rid of it.

BMW Says “Transmission Fault: Drive Moderately”- What’s The Matter

If it is to be put in a nutshell, the message simply means there is something amiss with your BMW’s gearbox and it is not functioning the way it is supposed to. There are several different reasons why the onboard diagnostic system might think of displaying a warning message like this; the discussion below throws light on some of them. Please take a look…

Reason №1- Gearbox oil is low

More often than not, the display of the “Transmission Fault: Drive Moderately” message on the dashboard is linked to a depleted gearbox oil level. From lubrication to corrosion inhibition; gearbox oil has been entrusted with a wide variety of tasks. If its level drops below the minimum acceptable level, the overall transmission operation will be adversely affected. As a result, the onboard diagnostic system will have no choice but to display the said warning message.

Reason №2- Expired gearbox oil

When was the last time you had your BMW’s gearbox oil checked??? As with the motor oil, the oil used in the gearbox has a maximum serviceable life and needs to be replaced thereafter. If you fail to meet the service requirements of your vehicle’s gearbox, it may develop problems and leave you with costly repairs. So, if your BMW is displaying a “Transmission Fault” message on its dashboard, the first thing you should do is to get its fluid checked. If it is dirty or sludgy, consider replacing it.

Reason №3- Flawed mechatronic valve body

A fault in the mechatronic valve body of your BMW’s gearbox can also result in the appearance of a “Transmission fault” warning message on the dashboard. The valve body is the heart of your BMW’s transmission unit. It is because of this component that your vehicle shifts between gears in the most efficient manner possible. If it malfunctions, you will have to deal with all sorts of gear-shifting-related issues. And, yes… this is something that may prompt the onboard computer to display different warning messages.

Reason №4- Fault is in the mechatronic sleeve

The sleeve is where the transmission control unit or TCU links to the gearbox. It is a fairly complex unit consisting of all kinds of wires and connectors. It is because of this component that the TCU gets to monitor and regulate different aspects of the transmission operation. If it malfunctions due to a bad wire or a faulty connector, its effect will be visible on the overall operation of the transmission system and the “Transmission fault” message may appear as a result.

Reason №5- Damaged adapter grommet seal

The sole purpose of this component is to seal the connection between the transmission pump and the mechatronic valve body. If it gets damaged, it will have an adverse impact on the way your BMW’s valve body operates. And when the onboard diagnostic system detects this problem, it will activate the said warning indicator.

BMW Says “Transmission Fault: Drive Moderately”- Steps To Take

#1- Check the transmission fluid level and ensure that its level never falls below the minimum acceptable level.

#2- Inspect the condition of the transmission filter and consider replacing it if it has reached its maximum serviceable life.

#3- If there is nothing wrong with the filter or fluid, but the message “Transmission fault” is still displayed, check for technical faults in the remote gearbox parts.

The gearbox of your BMW is a fairly complex unit, made up of thousands of different components. Identifying a technical glitch in such a complex system is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Assistance from a BMW-certified technician may be useful in this regard.

In Closing

The appearance of the “Transmission Fault: Drive Moderately” message on your BMW’s iDrive is not something that should go undiagnosed. You need to get to the bottom of the issue before it turns into something serious.



Motor Cars International

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