Tade Leo-Adegun
3 min readJun 1, 2020


Here’s what’s happening in Craig Ross JR’S Monogamy__You’ve tried all possible options to save your marriage and nothing seems to be working, might as well put the fate of your marriage in the hands of a total stranger, sign a non-disclosure agreement and put all your assets up as collateral-to save your marriage, why not?…

And honestly with this kind of ad dangling in your face right after another argument with your spouse, I mean, who wouldn’t go for it right?!

Jointly created by the husband and wife duo, Craig Ross Jr. (popularly known for Blue Hill Avenue) and Caryn Ward Ross, this compelling drama television series tests the bounds of monogamous marriage. It leaves the characters and audience questioning the meaning of monogamy and its essence.

Starring Jill Marie Jones, Darius McCrary, Caryn Ward Ross, Wesley Jonathan, Vanessa Simmons, Chrystee Pharris, Blue Kimble and my personal favorite Brian White.

It presents four unhappily married couples from all over the United States, who travel to Los Angeles to undergo an unorthodox type of counselling treatment- an experiment called Swap Therapy to repair their broken marriages. They agree to trade spouses, completely cut off all forms of communication with their spouses and give their new marriages their best as regular couples for two months in a bid to save theirs.

Will this fix their marriages, or will they fall in love with their new spouses? Will they realize how much they want to remain in their marriages or will they realize just how much they’ve been missing out on? As they seek the solutions to their marital problems and better understanding of their individual responsibility in these problems, these participants begin to find themselves for the first time while temporarily married to a total stranger.

Through the course of two seasons, short term desires come to play, long term commitments will be broken, the participants face challenges and temptations that may ultimately shake the foundation of their marriages. Long term decisions will be made for both their marriages and their wealth and a NEW PLOT comes to play. Will their marriages survive the experiment?

I’m all for this plot and story line, overall I think it’s a very strong plot. The mind games, especially in the second season, keeps getting deeper and more interesting as the plot thickens and it definitely feels like the characters are going through psychological therapy, so I guess I can say I see the point of the experiment. Would definitely say I got way more than I signed up for when I started the show, and I’m definitely here for it!

Unfortunately, I’m of the opinion that the show suffers from bad cinematography and bad acting on the part of some of the actors. Something about the cameras and lighting just feels off and totally wrong, like the show was made in the 80s or 90s before most improvements in film production. The show would definitely benefit from better editing and productions.

Despite its few flaws, Craig Ross JR’S Monogamy is still highly entertaining and perfect for couples to watch together (just don’t get any ideas!). So if you can get past the little flaws in production and acting, its one show I would definitely recommend.

Here are MY ratings;

Plot/Story line: 9/10

Acting: 6/10

Production: 5/10

Re watch Value: 6/10

Overall: 6.5/10

Tade Leo-Adegun

There’s much possibility in being confident. I’ll be writing about the things I love, building confidence one word at a time. I write tv reviews!