The double call in iPhones

Mouad Ziroudi
3 min readAug 7, 2023


The double call feature in Apple iPhones, allows users to manage two simultaneous calls, an innovation that promised to enhance productivity and convenience. However, since its inception, this feature has proven problematic for many users. This case study delves into the user experience issues identified with the double call feature and explores solutions through iterative design and user testing.

The Iphone phone call

The capacity to manage two simultaneous calls on a smartphone has clear applications, particularly for professionals who must balance multiple ongoing conversations. However, the intuitive, seamless experience expected from Apple products seems to be lacking in this particular feature.

How’s It Supposed to Work?

  1. Making a Call: Just like always.
  2. Another Call Comes In: Answer it, and the first one waits.
  3. Swapping Between Them: Tap “Swap,” and you’re talking to the other person.

What’s the Problem Here?

Users pointed out a few things:

  1. How Do I Even Turn This On?: People are stumbling into it without knowing how.
  2. Swapping Calls Feels Weird: That Swap button? Not clear at all.
  3. Who Am I Talking To Again?: No clear signs of which call is active.
  4. Oops, Dropped a Call: Sometimes calls get dropped by accident.
I think of this meme when it happens

User Testing Results: What We Learned

So, we really wanted to get to the bottom of this, right? We put 5 people to the test, asking them to pretend they’re juggling two calls at the same time. The result? All of them stumbled and fumbled their way through it.

Here’s what went down:

  • Setting Up: No one could figure out how to even get started with the double call feature.
  • Lost Track: They kept losing track of who they were talking to.
  • Disconnected: Calls were dropping left and right.

It was pretty clear: something needed fixing.

Proposed Solutions: How We Plan to Make It Better

1. A Friendly Nudge (Tutorial Prompt):

  • What: When a second call rings in, we’ll ask if they want to use the double call feature and explain how it works.
  • Why: No more accidental activations and confusion.

2. Make Swapping Calls Easy (Distinctive Swap UI):

  • What: Let’s make that swap button stand out and add clear labels for each call.
  • Why: This way, users know exactly which call they’re on and can easily switch.

3. Never Lose Sight of the Calls (Persistent Call Indicators):

  • What: We’ll keep icons showing each active call right on the screen.
  • Why: Users can glance and know who they’re talking to — no guesswork needed.

So, you know those ideas we talked about earlier? I took them and started building. I rolled up our sleeves and created a prototype to tackle the double call feature’s problems. And guess what? I made use of the new iPhone Dynamic Island.

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Protoype HF

