How to Manifest With New Moon and Full Moon Rituals

9 min readApr 24, 2020


New Moon and Full Moon Rituals for Manifestation

Using the New Moon and Full Moon in tandem is one of my favorite ways to manifest. The New Moon is all about new beginnings and asking for what you want. The Full Moon is all about completion — cleansing, releasing, and removing what no longer works for you. You can use these opposites for ritualistic purposes and ceremony. Simply ask for something to manifest during a New Moon and then release your intentions — thereby doing away with what is blocking you from what you want to manifest during the Full Moon.

A Guide to Performing Moon Rituals

This article provides step-by-step instructions for how to bring goodness into your life with ritual moon-phase ceremonies. From release prayers to wishes, affirmations and intention setting, here’s what you’ll need to know:

  1. How to Cleanse Your Ritual Space
  2. How to Take a Cleansing Bath
  3. How to Write Down Your Intentions
  4. How to Perform a New Moon Ritual
  5. How to Perform a Full Moon Ritual

A Note About Intention

As with any ritual work, use your spiritual tools for the good of others and yourself. It is our responsibility not to interfere with anyone’s gift of free will. With this guide, you can manifest blessings and gratitude, activate high vibrational energy, call upon angels, and welcome healing energy and inspiration into your life and those around you.

1. How to Cleanse Your Ritual Space

You can do your ritual work outside or inside. Simply start by getting your space ready. I feel that it is important to start any ritual work with a good space or house cleansing. This practice clears out your space of any negative energy and opens it up for what you are asking to come in. With everything that you do to get your space prepared, do it with the intention of what you are going to manifest.

Be aware that cleansing for a New Moon is slightly different from cleansing for a Full Moon. Although you should cleanse every room with both moons, there is really only one big difference:

  • New Moon: For a New Moon, cleanse the front door or the door that you come in and out of the most. Do this with the intention of new beginnings and inviting in what you are wanting to manifest.
  • Full Moon: During the Full Moon, do the opposite. Cleanse the back door with the intention of completion and releasing what is blocking you from manifesting.

Spiritual Tools

Cleansing can be done with smudge sticks such as sage,reiki symbols,visualizations and thoughts, herbs, ritual candles and flame, crystals (for lightworkers), charged water, salt, and many other spiritual tools depending on your practice.

2.How to Take a Cleansing Bath

There are great benefits to taking a cleansing bath before a new moon ritual and after a full moon ritual. Here are some tips to help you proceed and decide what you need:

  • Use a handful or two of salt (not table salt); sea salt or even Epsom salt are recommended. Toss it into a tub of warm water.
  • Add in some lavender salts or drops.
  • Light some soothing scented candles or incense.
  • Play some music if you want or have total silence.
  • Add whatever it is that relaxes and centers you. Focus on your breath.
  • Take time to meditate, focus your mind, invoke the goddess or spirit, and connect with the divine.

Before a New Moon

Take a cleansing bath an hour before you do your ritual as it will help you to relax and clear your mind of limiting beliefs. It will open you up to new beginnings and what you are manifesting on.

After a Full Moon

Take a cleansing bath after you do your ritual to release what you just requested to the Universe. This practice will cleanse you of energetic blockages, negative energy, and that which no longer serves. When you let the water out, imagine that what is no longer useful is going down the drain; consider performing this alongside a release prayer.

3. How to Write Down Your Intentions

I recommend that you have a notebook or piece of paper and pen present as you get ready to set your intention(s)/affirmation(s) before you begin your moon n ceremony. When you’re ready, follow the steps listed below.

Set an Intention

A few days before the moon cycle, think about what it is that you want to manifest or release. You most certainly can work on more than one thing, but I feel that it is best to limit it to just one intention.

Believe in Your Request or Intention

It is important that you believe in your intentions — what you are releasing or what you are requesting. Do you feel that you deserve it? Do you believe that it is within your grasp? If you do not believe that what you are trying to manifest is possible, then it isn’t.

Use Visualizations

Once you know what it is that you are really wanting to manifest, write it down. Create a whole story around it: What it would look like to have what it is that you are manifesting? Really invest some time doing this. Use your imagination and have fun with it. This act will help you start to visualize what your intentions are and bring them into light.


Use a special journal or notebook for your New Moon intentions. You will refer back to your intention daily and relive or maybe even add to the story that you created until the Full Moon. A powerful and cool thing to do in your growing season is to write out your intentions on seed paper. You can get seed paper for several different types of flowers. Then, plant it during the Full Moon and watch your intentions grow.

4. How to Perform a New Moon Ritual

When performing this ritual, show the Universe that you are willing to do your part. We have a responsibility to help the wheels start to move, and you will get out of it what you put into it — this includes your thoughts and dialogue. Let’s begin.


  • journal (or paper) and pen
  • New Moon prayer
  • candle
  • incense


After gathering the tools listed above and upon performing the preliminary steps detailed earlier, you may begin your ritual.

  1. Read your intention(s) out loud: Light your candle and incense and read your intention(s) out loud to the Universe. With each intention that you speak, end your sentence saying “this or more.” Request the assistance of the New Moon to help you bring what it is that you want into your life.
  2. Say a New Moon prayer: Say a prayer or chant to the New Moon. There are many formal prayers that you can choose from. I prefer to create my own, as when you write your own prayer you build strong, positive energy. Always end with a note of gratitude and thankfulness.
  3. Use visualizations: When you are finished saying your prayer or chant, sit quietly for a few minutes and feel the New Moon working for you. Watch the smoke from the incense go up to the sky and visualize your intentions being sent up to New Moon. When you feel satisfied, blow out the candle and let the incense burn out to completion.
  4. Revisit your intentions: Place your intention story somewhere that you will see it first thing in the morning like on your nightstand or even under your pillow to sleep on. Read your story every day, feeling that your intention is coming your way.
  5. Take action: Every intention requires action. If you are looking to bring a new love into your life, then sitting at home every night is not sending the right message to the Universe. If you are wanting to get a new job and never send out your resume, then all of the New Moon work that you have done has gone for naught.
  6. Stay positive: Pay attention to your thoughts around your intentions and keep them positive. Stay away from negative dialogue for the next couple of weeks before the Full Moon. Create positive energy around yourself in order to allow positive things to come to you.

How Does the New Moon Affect Us?

Tap into the cosmic energy of the Universe and enjoy the benefits of a cleansing ritual at this time. It only stands to reason that manifesting during a New Moon would have a strong impact. This phase brings the energy of new beginnings and creativity. It is a gift from the Universe given to us to assist in bringing in new opportunities. If you pay attention, you will find that your creative abilities are heightened and new opportunities come knocking at your door. Starting a new adventure is always best during this phase of the cycle.

5. How to Perform a Full Moon Ritual

This ritual should be done outside under the Full Moon. Cleanse your workspace prior to beginning with a sage stick, sandalwood incense, or a spiritual tool of your choice.


  • A safe burning vessel
  • Matches or lighter
  • A candle
  • Your intention story
  • Paper and pen


After gathering the tools listed above and upon performing the preliminary steps detailed earlier, you may begin your ritual.

  1. Read your intention out loud: Read your intention out loud to the Full Moon, ending with “and so it is done.” Read it with total trust that it is coming your way. Believe that the wheels are in motion towards completion and for the good of your intention.
  2. Say a Full Moon prayer: Say a ritual prayer or one that you created especially for this intention. Include a message of thankfulness and gratitude for the assistance of the Universe.
  3. Light your intention on fire: Light your written intention on fire (please be safe) and put it in your burn vessel. As you watch the smoke go up to the sky, visualize your intentions manifested to completion. (If you want to journal your story in order to reflect back on it later, write your intention on a different piece of paper that you can burn.)

How Does the Full Moon Affect Us?

The Full Moon represents a cycle of completion and allows us to release and let go of energy. It gives us the gift of removing what no longer serves us and allows us to complete our intentions so that we can move onto something new. Releasing and letting go during the Full Moon will give you a freeing energy. What a relief it is to send your intention to the Universe completed and free of any blocks. It is important that you believe that your intention is in motion and the Universe is working in your best interest.

These rituals are just suggestions and I encourage you to create your own. I think that it is more powerful when you add something personal to your rituals. If it makes you feel more empowered to add or skip something, then absolutely follow that feeling. Manifesting work in all forms is all about energy vibrations. The more comfortable that you are when you are doing this work, the more of a benefit it will be to you. How you feel when you are doing a ritual is telling of how well it will work.

Know that magical spells can also be cast during waning and waxing moons — the choice is yours. If your particular inspiration comes from ritual dance, ritual tarot, energy work of the hands, the use of symbolically sacred spiritual tools, candle ritual, and more, amplify your skills for manifestation and go for it. Follow your INTUITION.

May your intentions manifest for the greater good,





Masters in Yoga🌞 Ayurveda-based Yoga for a Holistic Lifestyle 🌞Helping people connect with their inner selves through meditation