What’s an RVM and Why You Should Use it for Rails Apps?

3 min readAug 10, 2020

What is RVM

RVM is a command-line tool for managing multiple ruby versions and also uses a separate gemset for each rails app.

RVM is a command-line tool that allows you to easily install, manage, and work with multiple ruby environments from interpreters to sets of gems.
[ source: https://rvm.io/ (official rvm website) ]

Ruby Version Manager, often abbreviated as RVM, is a software platform for Unix-like operating systems designed to manage multiple installations of Ruby on the same device. The entire ruby environment including the Ruby interpreter installed RubyGems, and documentation is partitioned.

[ source: Wikipedia ]

Why we need RVM

Let’s see an example.

Suppose, you have installed Ruby version 2.4.1 and created a rails project with Rails version 5.1

Fews days later you want to run another rails app with Ruby version ruby-2.6.1

Now you will uninstall Ruby version 2.4.1 and install Ruby version ruby-2.6.1, right?

If the answer is: I am not sure what to do!

Then RVM is the right solution for UNIX-like operating systems.




Software engineer | Full Stack Developer | Programmer | Designer & Entrepreneur