2 min readNov 28, 2023

The 1 percent

The other day I have set my whatsapp profile picture to this

So a friend of mine asked , what is the meaning behind it , in this article I will try to explain the concept to you .

What is 1%?

In our life we see a lot of people who work 9 to 5 for example , when they finish work they go back to their home spend 1hour on transport doing nothing, when they get back home they spend the rest of the day just playing around , watching netflix and wasting their most valuable asset in their life so this is the majority of people ,which we can say 99% so the rest 1% are the ones who are using these hours wisely for example instead of wasting time in transport they listen to a podcast or an audio book,when they get home they rest a little bit and after ,they watch some courses or work on a side hustle , so this is the idea of 1%. we can apply it in every industry ,like training the majority of people don’t practice sport but 1% are practicing it daily , so that’s the idea.

How you can benefit from 1%?

So if you are an ambitious individual , with many goals you want to acheive in your life but you are wasting time and you procrastinate , the thing you will do is every time you find yourself doing nothing like watching tiktok scrolling in social media without getting any value,always remember and asked this question to yourself

Does the 1% people do this ?

If you said no then you have to get up and do something with your life.

So that’s the concept and the idea I wanted to share with you .

I hope it was useful one

Have a good day


Hi there I am Mohamed Moulay , a full stack javascript developer and an engineering student