One click creation of Qlik Sense apps: Butler App Duplicator 3.0 is out

Göran Sander
Ptarmigan Labs
Published in
2 min readApr 14, 2019
Photo by Brent Olson on Unsplash .

Heading for the mountains here, but a quick update first.

Everyone’s favourite app wizard for Qlik Sense (ok… my favourite wiz at least..) has had a major face lift — yay!

The basics are the same, i.e. one-click creation of Qlik Sense apps, using regular Sense apps as templates. Several new features however take the tool to a new level, making it easier to set up, manage and more enterprise grade. Good news thus!

New features

Lots of cleaned up code and fixed minor things, but the big news are the following:

  • Dockerization. Provide everything needed to run the app duplicator as a Docker container, including image files in Docker Hub.
  • When run using Docker, the app duplicator will bring up its own web server (based on nginx). No more reliance on external web servers thus.
  • Make filelogging optional. The log level used for file logging follows the overall log level that has been configured in the YAML config file.
  • https for the app duplicator REST API can be enabled/disabled in the config file. While https is important, it is not always relevant (for example when running behind reverse proxies).
  • User configurable name of custom property that will be set for apps created using this tool. This makes it easy to later see what apps were created using the app duplicator, and which were not.
  • User configurable name of the custom property used to identify apps as being templates. If the property does not exist, it will be created.

Make sure to download App Duplicator from the releases page rather than from the main branch on Github. The main branch may be in active development and not do what you expect it to do… The releases have on the other hand been tested and verified — way easier to get started with thus.

Speaking of getting started as easily as possible: Do it like the cool kids and use Docker. Much, much easier long term compared to running it as a native Node.js app. Just sayin’.

Originally published at Ptarmigan Labs.



Göran Sander
Ptarmigan Labs

Sense sensei, hacker, maker, outdoor geek, family man. Thoughts expressed here and on are my own.