5 Easiest Free Hand Exercises With Yoga Asanas At Home

Mousona Poddar
5 min readJan 6, 2023


If you are not a gym lover or don’t want to invest time and money in the gym, this blog is for you. You can start some effective free hand exercises with Yoga asanas at your home. In today’s era, most of us live a sedentary lifestyle. Our body requires physical activity to stay fit and healthy. Free-hand exercises have a toning effect on the muscles and internal organs. These exercises and asanas will be beneficial for your physical health as well as your mental health also.

Here, you will know about jump-squat, push-up, mountain climbing, plank, jumping jacks, anulom vilom, kapalbhati, and some more asanas.

What is Free Hand Exercise

It means the exercises you can do without the help of any gym equipment. You have to use only your hands, legs, and body weight. These exercises can help in toning the muscles and internal organs, enhance blood circulation, help to burn extra calories, and are also good for heart health.

What is Yoga Asana

The word ‘Asana’ means seat. Asana is the physical practice of Yoga. Yoga asana is not yoga, it means a certain posture of yoga that you do with your body.

First, you have to start with free-hand exercises.

1. Jump-Squat:


The jump squat is the best free-hand exercise for a lower-body workout. It helps to improve upper and lower body strength. Do it 15–20 times in 3 sets.

2. Push-Up:


Push-ups increase upper body strength and boost heart health. Do it 15–20 times in 1 set. In the beginning, you may try doing push-ups against the wall.

3. Mountain Climbing:

Mountain climbing
Mountain Climbing

Mountain climbing exercise targets core muscles such as the back, hips, abs, glutes, leg muscles, and shoulders. Do it 15–20 times in 2 sets.

4. Plank:

Plank Exercise

Plank exercise improves flexibility, metabolism, body alignment, and balance. Do it for 1–2 minutes every day.

5. Jumping Jacks:

Jumping Jacks

Jumping jacks is a total body exercise that improves cardiovascular fitness and increases leg and hip strength. Do it for 1.5 minutes daily.

After these above exercises, your body warms up naturally which is essential for starting Yoga Asanas.

1. Ustrasana (Camel Pose):

Ustrasana (Camel pose)

It stretches your torso, abdomen, chest, and groin, opens up your shoulders, and improves back muscles. Do it for 1 minute every day.

2. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose):

Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)

It helps to tone your abdomen and strengthen your back, shoulders, and neck. It lowers stress and lethargy. Stay like this for 1 minute.

3. Setubandhasana (Bridge Pose):

Bridge pose
Bridge pose

It stretches the chest, neck, spine, and hips. It also helps alleviate stress and mild depression. Stay like this for about a minute, take a break for a few seconds, and repeat.

4. Anulom Vilom:

Anulom Vilom pranayama
Anulom Vilom pranayama

It’s also called alternate nostril breathing. On the first attempt, try this for 1 to 2 minutes. You can increase slowly as your confidence grows. It’s safe for most people. Those who have chronic respiratory or cardiovascular problems should consult with a doctor before starting. It has many physical and psychological benefits.


  1. Seat in a meditation seating pose with closed eyes and keep your spine and neck straight.
  2. Use your right hand, and fold your middle and index fingers towards your palm.
  3. Close your right nostril with your thumb and inhale through your left nostril slowly, until your lungs are full.
  4. Next, release your thumb and close the left nostril with the ring finger.
  5. Now, exhale slowly through the right nostril.
  6. Do it in reverse, this time inhale through the right nostril and exhale through the left.
  7. Repeat the process for 1 or 2 minutes.
  8. Throughout the process, focus on your breathing.

5. Kapalbhati:

Kapalbhati Pranayama

Kapal means ‘forehead’ and bhati means ‘shining’. Our breath affects our thoughts and emotions and vice versa. Just a few minutes of deep breathing can revitalize your immune system and calm down your mind. Kapalbhati should be performed in the morning or evening on an empty stomach and at the end of all yoga postures.

Avoid it if you have high bp, an artificial pacemaker, epilepsy, a hernia, or have undergone recent abdominal surgery. Women should not practice it during and shortly after pregnancy as well as during menstruation.


  1. The exhalation in Kapalbhati is short and forceful.
  2. Be conscious of breathing out.
  3. The moment you release your abdominal muscles, inhalation will occur naturally.
  4. You can take 10–20 such breaths in one round.

6. Shavasana:


It should be performed at the end of all asanas. You have to lie down on the ground like in the above image. This pose is crucial for calming the mind and body.

Important Points:

  1. Make sure that you do yoga asanas after free hand exercises.
  2. During illness, surgeries, or any injuries or fractures, you should refrain from any kind of exercise or asanas.
  3. Women should not perform asanas or exercises during their menses.


Free-hand exercises are risk-free and more affordable than gym workouts. These exercises may cause muscle pain for beginners. If the pain persists for a longer duration, contact your health expert. Otherwise, there are no such issues to worry about. Remember, a balanced diet is also required with free-hand exercises for a healthy body.

Which free-hand exercise do you prefer to do? I would love to hear.



P.S. — Thank you for reading this. Please share it with your friends and family if you found it helpful. I shared it with you as I got benefits personally from these exercises and asanas.

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Mousona Poddar

I love writing on health, fitness, mental health & self-improvement. Open to gigs: moupoddarbackup7@gmail.com