Jogging: Everything You Need To Know

Mousona Poddar
3 min readFeb 7, 2023


If you run at a pace of fewer than 6 miles per hour (mph), it’s called jogging. Jogging is a form of aerobic exercise. The term ‘aerobic exercise’ means any physical activity that produces energy by combining oxygen with blood glucose or body fat. Jogging has numerous health benefits, helping build strong bones, improve cardiovascular fitness, burn calories, and maintain a healthy weight. It can also improve your mental health.

In this article, I’ll let you know the types of jogging, its benefits, and precaution.

What is the difference between running and jogging

The difference between running and jogging is intensity. Running is faster and demands more effort from the heart, lungs, and muscles than jogging. However, both of them are forms of aerobic exercise.

Running means moving at about 6 miles per hour or about a 10-minute mile, which is equal to about 30 minutes to run 5k.

Types of jogging

Plain or basic jogging

Plain or simple jogging: The speed of simple jogging should be 4 miles per hour. Every day 30 minutes of simple jogging has numerous health benefits. If you are a beginner, start with 5 to 10 minutes. Later you can increase your timing as per your capability.

High knee jogging

High knee jogging: You have to do it by bringing your knee toward your chest, slightly above waist level. Make sure to move your left hand up with your right knee and your right hand with your left knee. The speed of high-knee jogging is faster than plain jogging. It improves your flexibility, strengthens leg muscles, and helps with weight loss.

Remember, if you have joint pain at the knee or waist don’t do high-knee jogging.

Jogging on treadmill

Jogging on Treadmill: Do five minutes of jogging by setting the treadmill’s incline to zero. Next, place the treadmill incline to five percent and do three minutes of jogging. At last, again do jogging at zero inclination. Repeat the whole set three times.

Safety precautions before starting Jogging:

  1. If you are over 40 years, overweight, or have a chronic illness, consult your doctor for a check-up before starting jogging.
  2. Wear good sports shoes to protect your legs, foot, and ankle.
  3. Do some warm-up and stretch before you head out. Cool your body down when you return.
  4. Take a water bottle with you.
  5. Avoid running near roads and ‘pick hours’ periods to reduce the risk of inhaling air pollution.
  6. Choose flat, grassy areas for jogging.
  7. Wear cotton clothes.
  8. Choose the best time for jogging as per your goal and lifestyle. Many people prefer early morning for aerobic exercise.

Additional benefits of Jogging:

  1. Jogging has a positive effect on insulin resistance. It’s one of the markers of prediabetes. The research found that regular jogging reduces body fat and inflammation which might be behind the improvement in insulin resistance.
  2. It keeps your spine flexible with hydrated discs between the vertebra in your spine.
  3. It can help you to protect yourself from the harmful effects of stress and depression.


Jogging has numerous health benefits. You have to follow a healthy and well-balanced diet to get positive results from jogging. However, you can take 2 complete rest days per week. Last but not the least, consult with your doctor before starting any kind of jogging.

Jogging Is Cheaper Than Therapy.


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Mousona Poddar

I love writing on health, fitness, mental health & self-improvement. Open to gigs: