Take Care of your Feet

Mousona Poddar
3 min readDec 20, 2022


Foot exercise is also essential like any other part of the body. You treat the foot as an underrated part of your body but it’s the base of the whole body. People involved in long-sitting or standing jobs often suffer from foot pain. Those with blood pressure problems, sugar, and uric acid face foot pain. Therefore you have to take extra care of your feet.

The importance of your feet :

Your palm and foot are called the transmitter of the nervous system. There is a direct connection between blood circulation, blood pressure, and the foot. If there is any problem with the leg muscle or nerve, blood circulation will be obstructed in the lower part of the body.

Reasons for Foot Pain :

  1. Wearing improper shoes or high-heeled shoes
  2. Injury during high-impact exercise or sports activities
  3. Overweight or Obesity
  4. Nerve damage in the feet
  5. Clogged arteries in the legs and feet

Exercises :

There are some basic exercises which you can do at your home.

Foot Pain Exercises
  1. Toe Raise: Sit in a straight-backed chair. Keep your feet on the ground. Raise your feet by placing your ankles on the floor. Do this 20 times in 3 sets.
  2. Foot massage: Sit on a chair. Pick one foot up and keep it on your opposite thigh. Now massage the arch portion of your foot with your thumb finger.
  3. Toe crawling with a towel: Sit in a straight-backed chair. Lay a kitchen towel or hand towel under your feet. Now scrunch your toes so you pull the towel toward you. Do it 5 times with each foot.
  4. Pick up marbles: Sit in a chair. Keep your feet on the ground in a flat position. Place 10 marbles and a small bowl on the floor before you. Please pick up the marbles with your toes and keep them in the bowl.
  5. Rolling tennis ball: Sit in a chair and keep your feet on the floor. Place a tennis ball on the floor. Put your foot on top of the ball and roll it around, massaging the bottom of your foot. Do it for 2 minutes for each foot.
  6. Ankle rotation: Rotate your ankle around slowly in a circle. Do it 10 times clockwise and anti-clockwise directions for each foot.
  7. Use Thera band: You can also do some exercises using Thera Band. After standing in a straight position place the left foot on the band and pick up the right leg. Please do it for the alternate leg. Repeat this 15 times in 3 sets.

Conclusion :

Whenever you’re standing or walking, your feet bear the body's total weight. For this foot pain is common. If you do these basic exercises at your home regularly, your feet will thank you. Just remember, before starting the activities you have to warm up a little bit and be gentle with yourself. Wearing proper shoes with good arch support is important for foot health. Otherwise, you have to talk to your doctor or physical therapist.

Take Care Of Your Feet.


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Mousona Poddar

I love writing on health, fitness, mental health & self-improvement. Open to gigs: moupoddarbackup7@gmail.com