What went wrong with the Anti Bot Federation, and can they somehow fix it?

My Mixed Biscuit
1 min readDec 23, 2022


To those who don’t know, the Anti Bot Federation is a vigilante group I’ve been intrigued by. They are quite popular, last year, a YouTuber who goes by the name of TYTM uploaded a video about the group.

The video can be watched at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1CmH_2Wr-0&list=PLs2DOwwB-Rv9zSIFRQyvpHYAfcQGBu9L1&index=5

The video included bits and bobs of failures of the Anti Bot Federation mostly in November and December 2020. They’ve been functional since the 1st November that year.

It’s quite interesting as an outsider to be observing all this, I recently joined their Discord server and checked their official Twitter and it seems that they are still active after 2 years but struggling. It’s not just AYTM that’s tracking them, other online ‘troll groups’ also seem to be hating on them baselessly, though this seems to have calmed down substantially relative to their comment sections from previous years and is seemingly no longer a problem.

Sadly, I checked the YouTube channel of the aforementioned critic and he’s shut himself down for good, for a noble reason. Kind of sad to see that, and it seems that this ABF is struggling to stay afloat anyway.

