Walking With Christ #1 My Testimony

Mario Walker (poetry2u)
2 min readJan 7, 2019

My name is Mario Walker and I’m 22 years old and a born-again Christian. I gave my life to Christ at the age of 14, and I been walking with him ever since. I always knew of God, I went to church every Sunday, but I always knew there’s has to be more. I grew up in the Pentecostal church so I church to me was singing, shouting, speaking in tongues, and hearing the pastor preach in a charismatic fashion. Having a relationship with God was never really emphasized enough, people assumed you were saved just because you went to church every Sunday. Outside of church, I would listen to secular music that glorified the things God hates and use profane, but wasn’t really thinking about God.
One day I had a discussion with a lady at my old church on secular music, it was during the time Illuminati stuff was coming out (when an artist sells their soul for fame and fortune). I knew that certain artist would be bad for me to listen to but never realized that all the rappers I listened to at the time were rebelling against God. That conversation convicted me and about a few weeks later I started reading my word and my appetite for secular music was erased, I stopped cursing, and I just had a deep hunger for Jesus. The journey came with a lot of temptation but I knew I was serious about God at that point. Christian no longer meant religion it meant a personal relationship with God to me.

