How to Save the Environment Through Construction

4 min readFeb 12, 2020


From the Perspective of the Building Materials Industry

The environmental impact of building materials is massive, not to mention the health effects of toxic dust from the construction sites. From air, water, and soil pollution, most of the building materials we use today are killing the natural environment at a steady pace.

Here are some unsettling examples:

  • An article in the Guardian reports that concrete contributes 4%-8% of the world’s carbon dioxide, with buildings contributing 39% of carbon dioxide emissions in the US alone. Specifically, this is a result of generating greenhouse gasses during the manufacturing of clinker, the most energy-consuming part of the cement production process.
  • Every tonne of cement uses about 147 to 3,500 liters of water, competing with direr human needs.
  • An article by Mofei Bian reveals that a quarter (109 million tons) of the UK’s waste comes from the construction industry, while the US produced 534 million tons of construction and demolition debris in 2014.
  • In 2015, a construction and demolition waste dump collapsed in China, destroying 30 buildings and killing approximately 80 people.
  • Dust from construction sites worsens respiratory diseases and causes eye problems.
  • Concrete jungles promote the heat island effect hence increasing the temperatures in cities. This results in the increased use of energy for indoor cooling.

While carbon dioxide indisputably leads to global warming, construction waste pollutes the soil and water making it unfit for agriculture and drinking. Also, the use of timber for construction reduces forest cover, a natural resource that helps reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Can CERLOS building materials save the environment?

To say that the Earth is in danger of destruction is an understatement! The effects of climate change are upon us which means that we need a sustainable solution like CERLOS sooner rather than later. CERLOS products are natural and can, therefore, eliminate construction waste and carbon dioxide emissions from the building industry.

Manufactured through the process of mineralization, CERLOS products use environmentally-friendly ingredients like lignocellulosic fiber. This fiber is found in agricultural/forestry waste or virtually all plants. CERLOS products are also 100% recyclable, and do not require cutting down of trees because the ingredients it uses are farmable.

From the point of manufacture, CERLOS, a proprietary new material, is ecologically positive. This means that the manufacturing process uses low energy and it does not emit toxic dust. The end products are also environmentally-friendly since they do not pollute the air. This is important for both the natural environment and the health of human beings.

CERLOS can replace fiber cement, boards, plastics, and wood products making it easy to adopt in the construction industry.

CERLOS is doing it better than competitors

CERLOS products are more sustainable than the majority of building materials currently on the market. Unlike other siding/cladding manufacturers, MOXY, the company behind CERLOS, has gone a step further to ensure that its products are environmentally-friendly, giving it the edge it needs to not only save the environment, but to also dominate the market.

CERLOS products are superior because:

  • They are manufactured from agricultural or forestry waste
  • They are durable
  • 100% recyclable CERLOS to CERLOS
  • CERLOS is inexpensive
  • They do not cause air, water, or soil pollution
  • Installers of CERLOS are safe from toxins and carcinogens
  • The manufacturing process uses low energy
  • CERLOS is used to create a wide range of products increasing its adaptability

CERLOS products are a sign of hope for the construction industry, and overall the environment.

Final Thoughts

CERLOS is in the process of raising capital to build the manufacturing facility for commercial production of the product.

If you are interested in a strategic partnership, becoming a CERLOS Certified Representative or investment opportunities please contact us on +1–604 866–3820 or write to us at

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Transforming the Building Materials Industry — 100% recyclable, eco-friendly, low cost, superior building materials that is more revolutionary than plastic.