We just had a storm.

4 min readNov 15, 2022


No one can tell you the answer to that roof replacement question, but your insurance company. If your property has suffered from a storm or some natural disaster, then you may have a case. The covering team would have to determine if it was a case of damage from “extreme weather”, before getting involved. Should the certainty of an extreme weather situation be established, then you may have things working for you.

These are some points to keep in mind:

1. Know what is covered
As you may know, home insurance companies love to be paid. But, they make paying you an arduous process. So, to make things easier on yourself, get very familiar with what is covered by coverage deal. Yes, the language in the terms may be convoluted: that is be design. Extreme weather is the target word you are looking for.

2. Prepare for the long haul
Just about any roofing company near you could work on that roof, and get it done in 24 to 36 hours, depending on the size and weather. However, the paperwork and assessment leading up to the actual work, would take some time to get through. So get ready for a detail intensive, drawn out, journey.

Good Roof — No damage
Good Roof — no damage

3. Ignore distractions
Once a natural disaster has happened, opportunists would probably come calling to offer too-good-to-be-true deals on roofing repair costs.
If these companies send agents to you, kindly decline. Here are pointers by which to spot them:
a. Cheap costs
b. No known local office
c. Communication is
i. Fast before they sign you
ii. Sporadic while the work is on (too late)
iii. None after they are done (if/when troubles crop up — you are on your own)
Be careful and do your due diligence. Find out the company’s location, listing within the community and past clients.

4. Get a proper adjuster
Though the process may be drawn out, as noted before, the steps are actually clear. Each company would differ in how they get things done, but they would all follow a similar pattern.
Following your initial call to your insurance company (in the event of a natural disaster), the firm would send out an insurance adjuster to visit you and do an assessment of the damage.
Alternatively, your coverage company might ask you to contact an approved local roofing contractor.
Once the damage review is done, the adjuster will approve the “claim” for the repair process to begin. If the adjuster does not approve, you don’t have a claim.

5. Certainty check
Your insurance adjuster’s approval is all that matters in the case of a roof damage from natural disasters. If he/she does not approve, nothing matters. Any pressure from roofing companies to get you bound to a contract is a trick.
So, the key here is approval from your insurance company. Follow their advice, not that of roofing contractors — when you are working to get a claim made.

Damaged Roof
Damaged Roof

6. Get it done!
With the claim on your roof signed and approved by your insurance team, you may get to work repairing that damage.
Perhaps you already know a good roofing contractor near you; most people don’t. That’s fine, if you have come this far, you can complete the journey. It is a journey of a thousand steps, and you are at step 990 — almost there.
Take your time to find a company that actually handles claims related to insurance. This way, things would be streamlined. They’ll know what to do, and your insurance will take care of their end of the bargain painlessly.

These bullet points should get you going in the right direction. Remember that journey we talked about? It doesn’t start until you take a step. So, go make that call, if you have any damage (or think you may have any) from a natural disaster.
Your local roofing contractor can help you with getting things going, but the buck stops with you.
We cover roof repairs, installation, siding work on commercial or residential buildings. Ultimately, your insurance has the deciding vote. Contact them right away.


This article is a guide that may help in getting started. It is by no means an exhaustive plan or advice. Please consult your Insurance company for any concerns you may have.


Photo by Joss Woodhead

Photo by Samy Aksu




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