The Future of Architecture in the Exponential Age

3 min readAug 9, 2023


In the past, Game Theory involved complex competitions among human agents. However, as we look ahead to a future where technology will show us breakthrough after breakthrough with an acceleration like we have never seen before, our understanding of what is possible will get challenged (often!) — instead of every couple of years, every couple of months, or even weeks. We can anticipate a new era where Game Theory will be a competition that will extend beyond just humans; “The Game” will include super-intelligent computers that will be basically omnipresent, in competition among themselves, and “against” us. They will be part of a race where the grand prize is YOUR ATTENTION.

However, archetypically, our competitors are not our enemies — they are agents we strive to surpass, to win against. They should serve as sources of inspiration for our own preparation and improvement. Ideally, we should feel respect and admiration for them. But, most importantly, we have to rethink our world to make sure that these super smart computers are within our control, so that they keep their status and purpose of creation as human tools.

Overall, we view this rapid shift in technological progress as a positive development. For the first time in history, we have a concrete and fundamental reason to cooperate and unite as a species: to keep ourselves masters of technology, and not the other way around. Our ability to navigate this new paradigm hinges on retaining our humanity, getting in touch with our natural state, understanding ourselves and adapting to new realities.

To accomplish this, we must reevaluate our everyday lives, re-establish a fresh hierarchy of values and priorities, and employ first-principles thinking (the practice of questioning every assumption you have about a given problem, then creating new solutions from scratch) to comprehend the uncharted territory we are moving — almost running! — towards. We must determine our place within it and how we should allocate our time in this new environment.

The Importance of Architecture in a Technocentric Society

Becoming deep observers looking with curiosity at this technocentric future could be the key attitude to retaining our humanity. The highway to accomplishing this focused state lies in understanding our intrinsic humanity, one that can be so easily diluted by new gadgets thinking for us.

In our view, architecture will play an increasingly significant role in merging with consciousness in the future. It will become one of our most valuable tools for adapting to and embracing a new era of artificial intelligence (AI). We envision a future where architecture transcends its current purely physical form, and serves as a primary mode of transportation, providing us with beautiful journeys that will reach beyond the physical. Architecture will offer us portals to different realms of awareness, enriching and enabling humanity to stretch into a world of multiple universes.

In this rapidly evolving reality, MOYOK strives to forge a path for architecture to rise from its old paradigms and embrace a new purpose. Architecture can be much more than it is typically conceived of today. Architecture can help humanity find peace of mind in this world of excessive information and competition. As the pace of change outstrips our ability to keep up, our homes need to become sanctuaries of healing, connection and exploration.




MOYOK is a biophilic creative studio focused on providing solutions for humans to live a more conscious lifestyle.