Building a software startup

Matt Palmerlee
5 min readFeb 11, 2024


So you want to build your own technology startup? Building a software company can be a rewarding endeavor but expect a long road of hard work and quick pivots in order to find success.

Here is a loose roadmap of what milestones to expect on your startup journey:

1. Idea and Market Research

First identify the problem you are looking to solve. You should choose a vertical or industry you have experience with otherwise you’ll spend a long time learning before you start building. Are there other companies already solving the same problem? What are the inefficiencies and pain points in the existing solutions?

Validate your idea by researching the market, understand your target audience, competitors, and potential for growth. Identify the total addressable market (TAM), so you have a sense of the revenue opportunity if your company achieved 100% market share. Pivoting on your product idea is the least costly at this stage so don’t hesitate to tweak it or start over if you find that your idea isn’t differentiated or compelling.

2. Business Plan

Define the value proposition, monetization strategy and finances for your product. Clearly articulate the value your software provides and why customers should choose it over the competition. Decide on your revenue model, whether you’ll depend on advertising, subscriptions, license fees or other means of generating revenue. Finally you’ll want to figure out your startup costs and how you’ll fund your business. This might involve seeking investors, bootstrapping, or a combination of both.

3. Validate assumptions

Before writing a single line or code or hiring developers, validate your assumptions by collecting feedback from the market. You might try making “brochureware” and then go to potential customers to gauge their interest. If your product can be operated manually with existing tools (e.g. Google Sheets, Airtable, Typeform, etc…) attempt to validate and learn before building any custom code. The more you can do to validate your assumptions at this stage the less likely you’ll waste time and money building the wrong thing later. You might also find that you can fully operate your business without investing a large amount of capital, perhaps all you need is a small amount of custom software built on top of other solutions in order to drive efficiencies in manual processes.

4. Prototyping and MVP

Once you are ready to start building software, make sure you attack the hardest problems first. Building a rapid prototype will help you answer questions about the right technology stack or approach. Once you’ve answered all your questions and have a clear direction, create a simplified version or Minimum Viable Product (MVP) of your software product with only the essential features that will allow you to test your concept in the market.

5. Test, Collect Feedback, Iterate

Release your MVP to a select group of users for testing. Conduct interviews and collect feedback from your users to find out what is working and what needs improvement. Then make iterative improvements to your software based on the user feedback. Get into a rapid and continuous cycle of build → release → collect feedback → repeat. Even as the product and company matures, iterative development is crucial to ensure you continue to build features that meet the needs of your users and don’t add unnecessary complexity to the system.

6. Marketing & Launch

Many companies will spend a long time in the previous stage of beta testing and refinement before making a concerted effort to market the product. You might not even make a big splashy launch announcement before you start charging for your product, but at some point you’ll know you are no longer in “beta testing” mode and you need to start thinking about pricing and a marketing strategy. You’ll want to develop a comprehensive marketing plan to create awareness of your product. Utilize digital marketing, social media, and other channels to reach your target audience. You also might want to generate excitement and attract initial users by hosing an in-person or online launch event.

7. Customer Acquisition and Growth

Scale your marketing efforts based on what channels and campaigns are most effective for customer acquisition. Ensure your website clearly communicates your value proposition and invest in website content that will help drive SEO to increase organic inbound traffic.

Excellent customer service is critical and will help differentiate you from your competition. Consider hiring dedicated customer success representatives to ensure you continue to be responsive and provide a high level of support to your customers.

8. Optimization and Scaling

Continuously optimize your software for performance, scalability, and user experience. Ensure metrics are defined for acceptable performance and setup alerts when the system is outside those bounds. Aim for a zero alert steady state to avoid apathy caused by broken windows.

As your user base grows, ensure your infrastructure can handle increased demand. Run periodic performance tests to find bottlenecks and areas for optimization before you experience outages by an increase in demand.

9. Monetization Optimization

Refine your pricing based on user feedback and market dynamics for maximum profitability. Consider adopting a new pricing model based on how your users engage with your product, perhaps adding different premium tiers or usage based pricing rather than subscription based pricing makes the most sense for your product offering. You might also explore new revenue streams, such as expanding revenue through add-ons, partnerships, or new features.

10. Community Building

Engage with your users by building a community around your software through forums, social media, and events. Encourage and acknowledge user contributions, such as feedback, reviews, and content creation. You’ll want to have at least one person on the team responsible for community moderation and engagement to ensure a high level of customer support.

11. Innovation, Sustainability and Long-Term Vision

Continue to innovate by expanding your product line or adding new features to meet evolving customer needs. You’ll want to stay up to date on industry trends and technology advancements. Adopt new technology when it serves a business purpose or to maintain a competitive edge but beware of chasing shiny objects that don’t solve a problem.

Plan for long-term success and ensure your startup is financially sustainable by managing cash flow effectively. Keep the business lean by only hiring new employees when absolutely necessary and consider using short term contractors for specialized jobs.

Sounds easy enough right? Just make sure you keep your software and development practices lean by focusing on building only what your users want. Stay agile and don’t be afraid to throw away an idea or pivot if something isn’t working.

