Proof of Governance (POG) is the main philosophy and fundamental principal on which MPCX platform based.

MPCX Platform
3 min readApr 25, 2018


We are at the beginning of a new Era of a Crypto and Token economy. There is no doubt that blockchain technology will change our lives completely very soon. We are witnessing significant changes across many different industries. Blockchain technologies will allow for more transparent and efficient financial and banking industries, will improve internet of things processes and will even create the possibility of Sovereign Cryptocurrencies.

However, now we are currently at the beginning of this amazing journey and things are really wild; there have been: cryptocurrency manipulations, human errors, dubious crypto investment instruments, and other cyber security threats. These are only numbers of problems that we are currently facing. The question is not in what to invest, the question is how to invest in crypto assets securely and efficiently.

At MPCX we will build a trustworthy digital crypto wealth management platform managed by XDMC Token holders. We believe that crowd wisdom is a part of a new reality where each individual can contribute to the mutual wellbeing of a community and be rewarded for their contribution fairly.

Many economists and researches have observed that the so called generations “Gen X” and “Millennials” are increasingly interested in crowd-based solutions and use them in their lives.

In many cases, the outcomes generated by consensus are better than any average personal outcome. We strongly believe that “crowd wisdom” will help us to create a platform to serve the best interests of our community. In this way XDMC Token holders will have the opportunity to participate in the development of the network and we are happy to share our success of solving all above mentioned problems together.

In addition, the XDMC token will provide holders with a functional tool to use on the MPCX Platform. XDMC Tokens will be used to pay for the services inside the platform. Once the XDMC Token becomes liquid and popular, it will be used as the internal currency for our banking services.

How XDMC works?

Rewarding XDMC Token holders.

In addition to returns derived from the appreciation of the tokens due to popularization and increasing number of MPCX users, we propose to reward our community on a regular basis by allocating 50% of the platform’s returns to a systematic buyback program of XDMC Tokens directly from holders and crypto exchanges. Part of those bought-back XDMC Tokens will be burned, thereby organically decreasing the XDMC token supply and the remaining bought-back tokens will be subject to three months selling restrictions. Regular buybacks will demonstrate MPCS’s commitment to rewarding XDMC Holders. We intend to monitor emerging regulatory practices to discover new direct ways of rewarding our community.

To learn more about MPCX and XDMC Token readers can visit our website, read the MPCX’s Whitepaper or simply join us on our social media channels: Facebook, Twitter,Medium, Instagram, YouTube, Telegram and LinkedIn.



MPCX Platform

The blockchain driven decentralized financial services platform —