Thank You, Mr. Clayton

Michael Pelikan
3 min readAug 25, 2023


Back in high school, I had an inspirational teacher, coach, and role model. Reflecting back, he was a monumental force in building the foundation of who I am today. As is common with most people, after graduation, I lost contact with him and have never had the opportunity to tell him what he means to me and the impact that he made on my life.

The lessons he imparted, both academic and life-related, the compassion he showed, and his unwavering belief in his students are aspects of high school that have stayed with me. He was more than just a teacher; he was a guiding light, inspiring everyone to become better individuals.

On May 10, 2022, I received a Facebook message from a classmate. Mr. Clayton, my teacher, was very sick and in dire need of a kidney transplant. With tears in my eyes, I put down my glass of Jack and made a commitment right then and there that I would do anything in my power to help Mr. Clayton.

Over the course of the past year, I have not had a drink, lost 40 pounds, dedicated myself to health and exercise, had about 100 medical tests, and flown to San Francisco three times.

Amazingly, back in December, I was matched to him as a kidney donor. The medical team was in shock — the odds of being a direct match were 1% of 1%.

On Tuesday, May 23rd, I donated a kidney to my high school teacher. I am excited about having the opportunity to help a fellow human being, but especially so since I am able to hopefully extend the life of an amazing man who has meant so much to me. Thankfully, Mr. Clayton is doing fantastic.

Mr. Clayton & Michael Pelikan
Mr. Clayton and me, minutes before we went into pre-op

Unfortunately, it appears that the anesthesia used during the transplant attacked my liver and I went into liver “failure”. In reality, my liver was not in failure, but it responded accordingly. After three hospital stays spanning the better part of a month, two blood transfusions, two surgical procedures, and eight weeks out of work, I am slowly starting to recover. It has been a rough journey and I am grateful to be returning to normalcy.

I wanted to share this with you, as I believe it’s a testament to the lasting impact Mr. Clayton and all my teachers/mentors/friends/family/etc. have had on me: to care, to give, and to make a difference in the lives of others, no matter how big or small that difference might be.

I want you to look back and hopefully identify somebody that has shaped you. Reach out to them and let them know. I am truly grateful that I have had the opportunity to let my role model know what he has meant to me.

Additionally, we hear this all the time, but I want to reiterate: life is short. Take the time to tell those around you how much you love them.



Michael Pelikan

Colorado Technologist/Developer specializing in AWS, Node.js, and SVG.