Photo by Ronaldo Santos

Do Habits Restrict Freedom?

Martijn Keesmaat


“Will habits make my life dull? I don’t want to pigeonhole myself into a lifestyle I don’t enjoy. Doesn’t so much routine take away the vibrancy and spontaneity of life?”

Discipline equals freedom. It is one of Jocko Willinck’s sayings. When you first read or hear this, it may seem counterintuitive. However, after thinking about it, it makes sense. We will always have things to do. If you close your eyes, they won’t be gone. It’s better to act than to react.

Like discipline, habits do not restrict freedom. They create it. In fact, the people who don’t have their habits handled are often the ones with the least amount of freedom.

Without good financial habits, you will always be struggling for the next dollar. Without good health habits, you will always seem to be short on energy. Without good learning habits, you will always feel like you’re behind the curve.

Building habits in the present allows you to do more of what you want in the future.

This article is part of my 168 series

Each week has 168 hours. I have the ability to choose to make the most out of these hours. However, I often regret how I spend my time. How can I give more to those things I value and less to those I don’t?



Martijn Keesmaat

Developing my world view every day. It is about finding your morals and philosophy as an individual. Everybody has their perspective. Here is mine.