The Life of an NPC

Martijn Keesmaat
2 min readSep 25, 2019

When I break down my programming from society, childhood, TV newspapers, schooling and replace it with my own vision, my own thinking, my own choices, my own decisions, my own character, my own voice — then my life begins.

NPC meaning a non-playable character. It is a video-game term for a character that supports the story of the playable characters. The NPC doesn’t make important choices and doesn’t have an impact on the story.

In the modern world, many of us live an NPC’s life. Most of our time is spent watching the lives of others. We want to model the models, act like the actors and get influenced by influencers.

Instead, we could decide to live our own life. To spend time on the things we consider important to us. Things that will move us forward and bring long-term fulfillment instead of riding this shallow wave of instant gratification.

So why do we do it? Well. The NPC life is comfortable and stimulating. It is easy and becomes easier to do every single day. There is endless stimulation. Every time you refresh your Facebook page new you will see new content. There are 80+ hours of video uploaded to Youtube every 10 seconds. There are millions of “influencers” on Instagram you can follow.

Instead of living our own life, we get caught up in the lives of others.

A life without intention is a life of being an NPC in your own life.

I have spent too many hours as an NPC and I am done with it.

The process of getting out of it is easy. Easy not simple.

To get out you will need to figure out what is important to you and then take steps to get closer to those things.

This article is part of my 168 series

Each week has 168 hours. I have the ability to choose to make the most out of these hours. However, I often regret how I spend my time. How can I give more to those things I value and less to those I don’t?



Martijn Keesmaat

Developing my world view every day. It is about finding your morals and philosophy as an individual. Everybody has their perspective. Here is mine.