The Law of Attraction in Short

Martijn Keesmaat
2 min readSep 27, 2019


  • The Law of Attraction is secondary to the law of vibration. Which simply states: Everything moves, nothing is totally still.
  • The Law of Attraction states: You will attract to you whatever you are in harmonious vibrations with.
  • Greatness is about thinking and acting greatly. You need to see where you want to go and then act like that future self.
  • A more psychological explanation would be that you act more like what you want to be on a daily basis and you get more confident because you feel more like what you want to be.

How to practice

  1. Calm the mind (deep abdominal breathing or mindfulness)
  2. Set an intention. In the morning visualize the perfect day.
  • You need to be in harmonious vibrations with your intention. Not higher, nor lower.
  • Think as if that is happening. Feel as you are in it. Close your eyes, create a specific picture and feel the emotions. See yourself going to the gym, publicly speaking.
  • Feel all the emotions that come with the experience you are visualizing. I feel proud, grateful, strong, confident.
  • Your brain doesn’t know the difference between real experiences and made-up experiences. Your brain encodes it as a real experience. Based on research it improves your confidences, proudness and actually builds the skills. The more you do this, the more you re-program your brain. You are changing the network of neurons.
  • Just do it, it can take only 30 seconds. Spend 30 seconds on each intention you have set.

3. Let go of it. Don’t force it and trust in the process. Life is about the journey. When you focus on the outcome you miss the journey

This article is part of my 168 series

Each week has 168 hours. I have the ability to choose to make the most out of these hours. However, I often regret how I spend my time. How can I give more to those things I value and less to those I don’t?



Martijn Keesmaat

Developing my world view every day. It is about finding your morals and philosophy as an individual. Everybody has their perspective. Here is mine.