The Time Paradox: Why Leaders Often Feel They Lack Time and How to Conquer It

4 min readJun 14, 2023


It’s 3 am and my desk is littered with to-do lists that laugh mockingly at my inability to check off even half of them. With each passing moment, it feels as though I’m losing a battle against time, constantly playing catch-up. This is a familiar feeling for many of us in leadership positions. We often find ourselves wondering, “Where has all my time gone?”

Time Perception — A Paradox of Leadership

As leaders, we are trained to optimize, plan, delegate, and oversee. However, when it comes to managing our own time, we often find ourselves falling short. I’ve had numerous conversations with fellow leaders who share a common sentiment — a sense of time scarcity, the perception that there just aren’t enough hours in the day to accomplish everything we aspire to.

So why do we find ourselves locked in this paradox? Why does time feel so elusive?

This puzzle, as it turns out, is often a consequence of how we perceive and value our time. As leaders, we find our hours heavily segmented — divided between various responsibilities, crisis management, strategy sessions, and personal obligations. When we’re pulled in so many directions, it can feel like we’re constantly running out of time, even when we’re not. It’s not just a matter of having too many tasks, but rather a skewed perception of time itself.

The Shift to Time Mastery

Acknowledging this, we need to pivot our focus from merely managing time to mastering it. Time mastery involves understanding the value of our time, setting clear priorities, and being intentional about how we spend it.

In our personal lives, this could mean setting aside uninterrupted time for family, hobbies, or self-care. We must stop feeling guilty about ‘not working’ during these periods. Recognize that personal time is crucial to our overall well-being, productivity, and leadership effectiveness. Remember, a stressed mind cannot lead effectively.

In our professional lives, mastering time could mean streamlining processes, delegating tasks, or even saying no to things that do not align with our goals or organizational vision. It’s about optimizing our hours at work to ensure we’re focusing on the tasks that truly matter.

Strategies to Master Time

  1. Prioritize Ruthlessly: List out all your tasks and obligations. Then, rank them based on their urgency and importance. Focus on high-impact tasks that align with your vision and goals, both personal and professional.
  2. Delegate Effectively: Leaders often fall into the trap of wanting to do everything themselves. Learn to delegate tasks that can be handled by others. Trust your team. This not only frees up your time but also empowers your team and fosters a culture of responsibility.
  3. Establish Boundaries: Learn to say no to tasks and responsibilities that don’t align with your priorities. It’s crucial to establish clear boundaries for your time. This applies to both personal and professional commitments.
  4. Adopt Time Blocking: Allocate specific time slots for different tasks or activities throughout your day. This ensures that each activity gets your full, undivided attention and prevents the feeling of being spread too thin.
  5. Practice Mindfulness: Pay attention to how you spend your time. Are you truly present in what you are doing, or is your mind scattered, thinking about other tasks? Practice being fully engaged in the task at hand. This can drastically improve the quality of your work and your overall perception of time.

The journey from time scarcity to time abundance is not an overnight one. It requires an intentional shift in mindset, a commitment to personal and professional growth, and the courage to change ingrained habits. But once you make this shift, you’ll find a richness in your days that you might have thought impossible. Your time will begin to feel like a vast ocean rather than a trickling stream.

The Power of Perspective and Patience

Remember, the transition towards time mastery is not a race. It’s a process that takes time and patience. You might falter, and there will be days when your to-do list will get the best of you. Don’t beat yourself up about it. Take a step back, assess, and learn.

What’s important is to maintain the perspective that you are in control of your time. This mental shift alone can work wonders in how you approach your tasks and schedule.

In moments of overwhelm, remind yourself of the long-term vision — the leader you aspire to be, the life you desire to lead. The path to becoming an effective leader is paved with clarity of vision, purposeful action, and above all, a masterful command over time.

Creating a Ripple Effect

As leaders, we have the power to influence not just our own perceptions of time, but also those around us. By demonstrating effective time mastery, we can foster a culture where everyone feels empowered to take control of their time.

This doesn’t just result in increased productivity or better work-life balance. It nurtures a holistic environment where people feel respected, valued, and content. As leaders, isn’t that what we all strive for?

Time management is undoubtedly a critical skill for any leader, but it’s not the end-all. The true magic unfolds when we transition from managing time to mastering it, from feeling perpetually short on time to feeling abundantly rich in it.

As I sit here, the clock hands no longer feel like a ticking time bomb but more like a rhythmic lullaby, harmonizing my tasks and responsibilities with the rhythm of my life. This is the power of time mastery. It’s not about having control over every minute of the day, but instead having the serenity to know that you’re spending your time wisely and meaningfully, both in your professional and personal life.




I train leaders and teams in sustainable leadership by blending the science of strengths, psychological insights, and heart-focused strategies for success.